Specific features of motion verbs functioning for creating a seascape

"Научный аспект №6-2024" - Филология и лингв.

УДК 81-11

Истомина Светлана Михайловна – преподаватель кафедры «Общего и германского языкознания» Северного (Арктического) федерального университета имен М.В. Ломоносова.

Abstract: The present paper attempts to examine and analyze the peculiarities of the use of motion verbs for creating a seascape. The article focuses on the main verbs of motion and their use in describing seascapes, and considers the specific features and metaphorical use of these verbs. We have studied some examples from fiction and science fiction literature in order to identify trends and stylistic features typical for the description of seascapes with the use of motion verbs.

Аннотация: В представленной работе предпринята попытка рассмотреть и проанализировать особенности функционирования глаголов движения для создания морского пейзажа. В статье изучены основные глаголы движения и их употребление при описании морских пейзажей, а также рассмотрены специфические особенности и метафорическое использование данных глаголов. Нами были проанализированы примеры из художественной и научно-популярной литературы, чтобы выявить тенденции и стилистические особенности при описании морской среды с использованием глаголов движения.

Keywords: verbs of motion, seascape, descriptive linguistics, stylistic features, linguistic means, fiction.

Ключевые слова: глаголы движения, морской пейзаж, описательная лингвистика, стилистические особенности, языковые средства, художественная литература.

The study of the peculiarities of motion verbs used to create a seascape is an important linguistic topic for understanding how linguistic means are used to describe the marine environment and give the reader the right emotion and impression [8].

Verbs of motion play a significant role in creating a seascape, as they help to convey the dynamics and vividness of the images. For example, the verbs ‘to swim,’ ‘to splash,’ ‘to wave’ can create a sense of seawater movement and vibrancy of the environment [4]. The verbs can also be used to create the atmosphere and mood – for example, ‘to roar’ or ‘to sound’ can convey the sounds of the sea and nature, and ‘to snuggle’ or ‘to sway’ can describe the peace and tranquility of the sea [1].

When describing a seascape, it is crucial to take into account the stylistic features and metaphorical use of verbs. For example, the metaphoric use of verbs can help convey not only the physical movement of water, but also the emotional state of the character or the author [9]. Thus, the choice of specific verbs and their combination can create unique images of the marine environment and influence the reader’s perception of it.

Studying and analyzing the function of motion verbs in creating a seascape is helpful not only for linguists and stylists, but also for writers, poets and other writing enthusiasts to express their ideas and images with the help of linguistic means and to create more picturesque and emotional texts [6].

It should also be pointed out that verbs of motion in the context of seascape creation can be used not only to describe natural phenomena, but also to express the inner state of the characters or the author. For example, the verbs ‘to fight the waves,’ ‘to overcome the storm,’ ‘to calm the water element’ can symbolize a person’s struggle, strength or willpower in the conditions of a turbulent sea [7].

In addition, the choice of motion verbs when describing a seascape may depend on the author’s stylistic objectives. For example, to create a realist seascape, one may use precise and realistic verbs describing a specific movement of water or objects on the surface of the sea [3]. Whereas in symbolism or magical realism, more abstract or metaphorical verbs may be used to convey unusual and unexpected associations.

The study of the peculiarities of the use of motion verbs for creating a seascape enables us to evaluate the impact of linguistic means on the reader’s perception of the text, and also helps writers and literature scholars to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of creating images and effects in a fiction text through linguistic analysis and stylistic techniques.

Now let us consider in detail the peculiarities of motion verbs used to create a seascape on the example of two works: “Around the World on Korshun” by K.M. Stanyukovich and “Red Corsair” by F. Cooper.

There are some verbs of motion in the work which play an important role in describing the inner state and actions of the characters, as well as creating the seascape. The motion verbs are used to create a vivid and tangible image of the seascape. For example, the verbs ‘entered,’ ‘gave,’ ‘put,’ ‘took reefs’ help to convey the dynamics of events and the atmosphere of tension and unrest at sea.

 The verbs ‘struck,’ ‘jerked,’ ‘had to grapple,’ ‘pulled,’ ‘threw,’ ‘rushed,’ ‘plunged,’ ‘seemed’ help the reader visualize the chaotic and dangerous movements of the corvette on the raging sea.

The variety of motion verbs reflects the spectrum of feelings and actions on the ship in the stormy conditions. The verbs ‘ruffled,’ ‘bumped,’ ‘rocked the hardy’ convey the continuous tension and anxiety of the crew members before the coming storm. The verbs ‘struggled,’ ‘tugged,’ ‘swayed,’ ‘hit,’ ‘poured out,’ ‘swallowed up,’ ‘plunged,’ ‘collapsed’ help to express the sense of chaos and threat experienced by the corvette as it battles the stormy sea.

Repetitive verbs of motion create a harmonious combination with the description of the raging sea, giving the reader a sense of the rhythm and dynamics of the corvette’s struggle with the waves. The verbs ‘pulls,’ ‘scoops,’ ‘surges,’ ‘ready to engulf,’ ‘will collapse,’ ‘will cover with its water shroud’ create an image of the intertwined forces of nature and the efforts of the ship’s crew.

The specific features of the motion verbs help the reader to plunge into the atmosphere of a sea voyage, to feel the unpredictability of the sea element and to participate in the desperate struggle with it.

These verbs of motion help to create a picturesque and dynamic image of the seascape, conveying the tension and instability of the situation on the ship during the storm in the German Sea [5, p. 118-143].

On the whole, the use of motion verbs enriches the narrative and conveys the atmosphere of an exciting journey to the sea, creating an image of the seascape and showing the inner world of the characters who are preparing for a new experience and getting acquainted with their surroundings.

In F. Cooper’s novel “Red Corsair” we can also find and analyze motion verbs and their specific use to depict the seascape. Let us also consider a few passages from the book.

From the very beginning of the work there are some verbs of motion which play a key role in creating the seascape and showing the emotional colouring of the text. Let us consider the peculiarities of the motion verbs’ functioning in the context of describing the sea motifs:

  1. The verbs ‘to swim,’ ‘to move,’ ‘to explore’ express activity and constant movement typical of the sea and sea adventures. They help to create an image of a continuous journey, inspiring the search for adventure and exotics.
  2. The phrase ‘to see off in a world mysterious and uncharted’ with the verbs ‘to see off’ conveys a sense of mystery and interest in the uncharted sea, reinforcing the image of sea voyage as an exploration of uncharted territories.
  3. The verb ‘to conquer’ characterizes the human desire to overcome difficulties and triumph over the sea element. It reflects the struggle and difficulties faced by the sailors, which makes the text tense and dramatic [2, p. 3-4].
  4. Verbs of motion are used in this passage to create a picturesque seascape and to convey the dynamics of the events described. For example, the verbs ‘invade,’ ‘smell,’ ‘portray,’ ‘familiarize,’ ‘thrill,’ ‘sound’ convey the actions and emotional colouring of what is happening.
  5. The verbs ‘produced,’ ‘collide’ help to express the tension of events and the importance of what is happening.

The use of motion verbs also helps to create an image of maritime adventures, fight against natural elements and enemies at sea. Skillful and picturesque seascapes convey the atmosphere of storm, turmoil and grandeur of the sea element. The combination of motion verbs with epithets and metaphors helps the reader to plunge into the world of sea adventures and feel the atmosphere of tension and romance.

Thus, verbs of movement in the text enrich its emotional colouring, create an atmosphere of adventure and the desire to discover new things, as well as convey the complexity and contradiction of marine life, making the images and characters more vivid and expressive.

In Chapter 13 we can also find some peculiar verbs of motion that show the atmosphere of the maritime setting and help to portray the characters:

  1. The verbs ‘jumped,’ ‘headed’ convey the actions of the officer reflecting his determination and energy. They add dynamics to the scene and create an image of the officer’s responsible action in a critical situation.
  2. The phrase ‘raced his boat’ with the verb ‘raced’ shows the speed and exertion with which the man was pushing his boat through the water. This image helps to create an image of a quick and agile person who can cope with difficulties.
  3. The verbs ‘will set,’ ‘set to work’ reflect the actions of the crew and officers ready to work and fulfil their duties. They create an image of a well-coordinated team working together to achieve the common goal.

Thus, verbs of motion in this passage focus on the actions of the characters, emphasize their characteristic features, convey the dynamics and atmosphere of the sea adventure, making the scene livelier and more expressive [2, p. 366-367].

Further on the basis of the analysis we can formulate the peculiarities of using verbs of motion to create a seascape:

  1. Speed and dynamics: verbs of motion such as ‘race,’ ‘rush,’ ‘set’ express the speed and dynamics of the seascape, creating a sense of movement and energy.
  2. The atmosphere and mood: the use of motion verbs helps to convey the atmosphere of the seascape, its liveliness and changeability. For example, ‘the waves are crashing’, ‘the wind is whistling’, ‘the boat is gliding’ – such phrases help to create a sense of being at sea.
  3. Intensity and tension: verbs of motion can reflect the intensity of events at sea, e.g. ‘the storm is brewing,’ ‘the waves are surging,’ which adds tension and drama to the description of the maritime setting.
  4. Characteristics of natural phenomena: verbs of motion can be used to convey characteristics of natural phenomena at sea, such as ‘the white foam of agitated water,’ ‘the sun colours the sky,’ which helps to create a more vivid and visual representation of the seascape.

The study of the peculiarities of using motion verbs to create a seascape lets us identify several key aspects that contribute to a deeper and more emotional perception of the described setting.

The speed and dynamics conveyed through the verbs of movement give the description of the marine environment a sense of liveliness, energy and constant change. This helps the reader to immerse himself or herself in the atmosphere of the seascape and feel its dynamism. The atmosphere and mood are created by the choice of certain verbs of motion that convey the vigour and changeability of the marine environment. Descriptions such as ‘waves crashing’ or ‘wind whistling’ help the reader to feel a sense of being at sea and to visualize the surroundings. The intensity and tension reflected through the verbs of motion add drama to the description of the maritime setting. The characteristics of natural phenomena conveyed through verbs of motion enhance the visual representation of the seascape being described. Thus, the use of verbs of motion is an effective tool for creating a vivid and emotionally rich description of the seascape, enabling the reader to plunge into the atmosphere of the sea and feel its beauty and power through bright and dynamic images.

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Автор: Истомина Светлана Михайловна