УДК 37

Improve the quality of teaching in the concept digital transfer of Vietnam universal education

Хук Ким Лан – Хайдуонгский медицинский технический университет (Вьетнам).

Abstract: The strong impact of the industrial revolution 4.0 is profoundly affecting all aspects of social life, especially teaching and learning activities in universities. Facing these opportunities and challenges, teachers need to practice bravery, always be creative and constantly innovate to bring about the best teaching effectiveness. In addition to improving their professional skills, lecturers need to focus on fostering their ability to use information technology and foreign languages fluently to meet education and training requirements in the context of global connectivity to meet the requirements of education and training. access the scientific knowledge brought by the 4.0 technology era.

Keywords: quality, teaching, digital transformation, higher education.

1. Problem posed

The statement of the world forum on education and the countries of APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) stated: “Human resource development must be a priority focus of policies. national development to enable individuals to receive the necessary training to prepare them to participate in the community. Education must be a key instrument for freedom, peace, progress and justice.” The above statement shows us clearly that the educational goals of each country in today's era have undergone a great change in terms of a new perspective, a new way of thinking, a new perspective that is, education with students plays an important role. decisive in the development and implementation of economic, scientific and cultural functions; education produces citizens deeply rooted in their national culture and capable of receiving the quintessence of other cultures for social progress; lifelong education, lifelong learning in a learning society. The goal of education in the 4.0 technology era is "learning to understand, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to exist and develop". Schools in general and universities in particular are not only a place to provide professional knowledge and skills for students, but they must also become an environment for students to practice and form skills of world workers. 21st century: knowledge, communication skills - collaboration, technology skills and problem solving thinking skills.

2. Research content

2.1. The role of learners and teachers

In the current era, the role of learners and teachers in the education industry in general and higher education in particular has changed:

- The learner (student) is the subject of the teaching process:

Learning is the process of transforming oneself and enriching oneself by choosing to input and process information from the surrounding environment.

The learning process is repeated group dialogue and collaborative problem solving

- The role of the teacher (lecturer):

+ Rearrange the contingencies from the outside.

The goal statement guides the student with suggestions, aligning and reinforcing the consequences for the student's subsequent behavior.

The teacher's first role is to arrange the conditions to support the memorization processes.

Organizing new information, linking new information and existing knowledge. Use mass support for coding attention and information reconstruction

 + Instructors make models and guides. Ask good problems. Create group learning activities

+ Model and guide the process of knowledge acquisition.

Thus, the Lecturer is no longer the transmitter of knowledge. Students' knowledge gained by exposure to the surrounding environment is the combined result of many factors such as listening to lectures, exchanging discussions, visiting reading and referencing documents, paper and the internet. In order for students to adapt to the social environment, teaching has changed from a traditional teaching model to a student-centered teaching model.

According to the policy of the Ministry of Education and Training, the orientations for innovation in teaching methods at university and college level are: Promoting the activeness, self-discipline, initiative and creativity of students, fostering self-study and self-study methods. scientific research, affect emotions, bring joy and excitement to students.

In order to innovate teaching methods in the direction of promoting students' activeness, students need to: Master the characteristic signs and the relationship between psychological factors, excitement, self-discipline, and positive attitude. extremely independent, creative; psychophysiological characteristics of students' ages; human positivity manifests in activities; learning is the main activity of school age; Positiveness in learning activities is actually cognitive positivity, characterized by the desire to understand, intellectual effort and high energy in the process of acquiring knowledge.

In the current situation, the teaching method of the teacher determines the learning method of the students.

2.2. Introduce and encourage lecturers to apply some active teaching methods in the teaching process

2.2.1. Using teaching methods to raise and solve problems to overcome students' passivity

- Skills in designing oriented questions to stimulate higher-order thinking of students in a lesson

- Perform assignments and require students to find and learn the lesson before going to class and actively brainstorm

- Expand and analyze many related issues not in the textbook, close to real life

- Combine problem-solving teaching with appropriate group work

2.2.2. Using project-based learning

Project-based teaching is understood as a method or a form of teaching organization in which students perform a suitable learning task, combining research, applying theory and practical activities with self-directed learning. Highly motivated from setting goals, planning, implementing the plan, checking and adjusting, evaluating the learning process and results.

This is a teaching method that directs students to acquire knowledge and skills through the process of solving a case study, called a project that simulates the environment in which students live and live.

This project can be limited to the classroom and be about 1-2 weeks in length, or it can go beyond the classroom and last throughout the course/school year.

Project-based learning is an innovative model of learning in action. Project-based learning is really learning in action, engaging students so that they are no longer passive carriers of information but active learners of knowledge.

2.2.3. Use case teaching method

To help students familiarize themselves with real-life situations, cause brainstorming, and help students apply knowledge to solve subject-related situations.

2.2.4. Using learning teaching methods

The teaching method involves students participating in a large project linking students and a social unit in order to create an environment for students to participate in solving a social problem related to the major they are studying. assist. Besides innovating teaching methods, teachers must change the assessment of students. How to evaluate student learning activities to show fairness and accuracy is an issue that teachers need to think about. Lecturers should choose a measure to be able to properly assess the student's ability.

2.2.5. Using technology-based teaching methods

Technology is a system of means, methods and skills to apply objective laws to affect an object to produce definite results for humans.

Elements of a technology include:

An object is affected by the transformation or transformation of means, methods and skills…in other words, of the technological environment.

A means is any product, natural or man-made, material or spiritual, or emotional, which is used by man for a particular job with a certain purpose. For example, water (natural resource) can be a means of production (aquaponics, hydroelectricity), a means of living or a service (a well or a borehole) or a means of teaching and experimentation (experimental communication vessels). )

 - Method is a set of rules or principles that apply reason or experience and use means to achieve a certain goal (here is all possible ways of thinking, doing, processes, and norms). have a degree in organizational management in production or teaching)

Skill is often understood as the ability to master a certain type of activity. Skill is defined as the sum total of available physical, intellectual, or emotional responses of a person when performing with a certain degree of proficiency a particular type of operation. In technology, it is the operational skills and soft skills of the people who create or use means and methods.

Currently, in many real fields due to the historical development of concepts and terms, the distinction between "technology" and "engineering" is relative and the two concepts are almost synonymous, for example, there is no What is the difference between electronic technology and electronic engineering.

However, in some fields, the term engineering is often used in the traditional sense, when in addition to the two components of methods and corresponding skills, people only need to rely on physical qualities, no means are needed. any other or just a few single means.

For example: About sports such as running technique (100m, hurdles...), jumping technique (high jump, pole vault) technique of hitting the ball (table tennis, volleyball).

* Teaching technology is a system of teaching media, teaching methods and teaching skills in order to apply objective laws that affect students to create a definite personality.

* Meaning of access to technology

Approach to technology is one of the most important approaches in both the natural sciences and technology and the humanities and social sciences, when it comes to problem solving and decision making. choose the option, or test and evaluate the quality.

* Teaching according to technology approach

Teaching according to technology approach is still understood in many different ways, while teaching according to a certain approach such as a system approach, a competency approach... is a concept or a technique. Common language is easy to understand, so here it is possible to consider technology-based teaching as a concept equivalent to teaching with other approaches.

The teaching process according to technology approach is the process of teaching and learning to do in order to achieve the best effect according to defined criteria, thanks to the rational use of means, methods and allowed skills.

Teaching according to technology approach is not only suitable for natural sciences and technology, suitable for any subject related to each practical application, but when testing and evaluating application results, attention should be paid to the distinction between knowing and doing, doing and doing well, by appropriate means, methods and skills.

* Principles of teaching according to technology approach

 - The unity between science and technology, showing the nature of the relationship between scientific theory and practice, between knowing and doing, between scientific thinking and technological thinking, between theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

- Ensuring the consistency between technology goals, in teaching, goals often require flexible diversity according to specific social environments and technological capabilities, or technological capabilities are often finite and cannot be achieved. change overnight, in which it is necessary to focus on the consistency between the volume and quality of knowledge and skills that are constantly increasing according to the development of science and technology, with limited learning time. within the framework of the curriculum and the teaching plan; It is necessary to be aware of the gap between doing and doing well so as not to stop at doing but always try to do the best whenever possible in the sense of meeting requirements within the limits of technological capabilities.

- Ensure the consistency between the compliance with principles, technological processes with the objectives, means and methods specified in the common framework, and the independence and creativity, freedom to promote individual skills in implementation.

*Effective criteria

Effective criteria must be determined according to the objectives of the training program and the specific objectives of each subject according to the following principles:

- Minimum level: Students have minimal operational and behavioral skills in using common means and methods to complete a specific job or learning task, both in theory and practice. operate at the low end of a particular quantitative standard.

 - Recommended level: Students have flexible and creative operational skills to choose appropriate means and methods, handle possible situations, both in theory and practice. perform well on a job or academic task according to a high level of specified quantitative standard.

* Teaching according to competency approach

Competence is understood as the subjective ability available to successfully perform an activity. Teacher competence is understood as a set of available mental, intellectual, emotional, and authoritative responses of lecturers when it comes to decision-making to solve problems. In educational and training institutions, competence is also understood more closely in the language of access to technology: Competence is the sum total of available responses of lecturers in the use of media and methods. and appropriate skills, completing tasks according to defined standards, output standards of the training institution or the practice standards of the recruiting institution.

The process of teaching with competency goals is called competency-based teaching or competency-based teaching. Competency-based teaching at the practice level is considered indispensable in the field of human resource training and talent development. Currently, with the trend of schools shifting from teaching to teaching how to learn - understand - act, that is, teaching in the direction of focusing on the ability to self-study and apply knowledge. competency-based learning to emphasize the transformation of the education system from knowledge-oriented to competence-oriented.

* Teaching in an integrated approach

Stemming from the attributes of technology perspective, teaching principles and effectiveness criteria, it can be seen that immediately "linking" theory with practice in a certain way is one of the natural ways in teaching. technology-based learning. One of the forms of attachment with scientific and practical significance is integration.

 Integration is creating a whole from components that have two characteristics:

 - Is a complete organic part of different wholes, not having the same attribute function

- Proximity or proximity in the sense of a defining criterion, for example a new benefit due to the synergistic effect of integrated components.

Teaching according to the integrated approach or integrated teaching is teaching and teaching content, means, methods or skills, integrated results between subjects with different functions or attributes in terms of theory or teaching technology such as subject curricula, methods and skills to improve teaching effectiveness according to set criteria.

Teaching according to technology approach is not only suitable for natural sciences and technology but also for any subject related to practical applications, which when testing and evaluating application results need to be applied. concerned with the difference between knowing and doing, doing and doing well by appropriate means, methods and skills.

3. Conclusion

The world is entering the era of digital transformation, this process is associated with the application of digital technology in all aspects of people's social life. Vietnam is not an exception to that process. The change in technology, new skills formed by the requirements of modern society and new educational trends make future education, education 4.0 must have a new vision, fundamentally different from current education. Learning anytime, anywhere, personalizing learning as well as the freedom of learners' learning choices, learning and practical experience as well as connecting learning with society are outstanding advantages in the education system. education 4.0. For each individual and society, new age educational tools and resources promise opportunities for individuals to develop their full capacities, skills and knowledge and unlock their children's creative potential. People. In addition to improving professional qualifications, lecturers need to focus on fostering proficiency in using information technology and foreign languages to meet the requirements of education and training in the context of global connectivity. access the scientific knowledge brought by the 4.0 technology era.


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