УДК 004

Analysis of the dispatch control program of a virtual station operating on a local network based on a client-server

Тохиров Эъзозбек Турсуналиевич – Ph.D., доцент Ташкентского государственного транспортного университета.

Болтаев Аваз Худайбердиевич – руководитель группы практического программирования и внедрения ИТ-технологий АО «Узбекистон темир йуллари».

Abstract: This article presents the study of such issues as the development of computer control systems and the organization of control of arrows and signals at stations using Server ARM-DSP software. Algorithm of operation of the station, conditions of opening and closing of routes are embodied. A computerized centering algorithm for the initial part of the station, an example of program development is shown, and examples of implementation are attached.

Аннотация: В данной статье представлено исследование таких вопросов, как разработка компьютерных систем управления и организация управления стрелками и сигналами на станциях с использованием программного обеспечения Server ARM-DSP. Воплощен алгоритм работы станции, условия открытия и закрытия маршрутов. Показан компьютеризированный алгоритм центрирования начальной части станции, пример разработки программы, приложены примеры реализации.

Keywords: Server ARM-DSP, software, computer control systems, station, computer cetralitation, computer simulation.

Ключевые слова: Сервер АРМ-ЦСП, программное обеспечение, компьютерные системы управления, станция, компьютерная централизация, компьютерное моделирование.


The current means of organizing the movement of trains requires the use of relay devices at stations and platforms. Therefore, as a rule, relays with first-class reliability are used. Such a situation requires very large schemes, huge capital and operational costs. Increasing the efficiency of signal and signal station control systems, as well as interval control systems of train movement is carried out through computerized centralization.

Main body

Organization of train movement at stations

Railway lines are divided into peregons using dividing points. Separation points include stations, razezds, transfer points and road posts, and traffic lights during autoblocking, in addition to the above. The presence of separation points allows several trains to enter the section limited by distances (peregons or blocks), which ensures traffic safety and increases throughput.

Stations include improved track equipment and other equipment (Figure 4), including reception, freight operations, passenger services, as well as the organization and distribution of trains, their refers to the separation points that carry out technical inspection, replacement of locomotives, repair of rolling stock, etc. A virtual program has been developed for organizing the movement of trains at stations.

The server ARMDSP virtual program is written in the Java programming language, and all actions are performed visually.


Figure 1. Station database.


Figure 2. Collection of station database.

In order to efficiently organize the movement of trains by station and during station operations, the station is divided into the following sections: with arrows (in the picture, 1SP, 3SP, 2SP, 4SP), without arrows (NAP, ChAP), as well as reception-dispatch tracks (1P, 2P, 3P). All these sections are provided with rail chains.

All stations are the main elements of road development:

  • arrow conductors;
  • entrance traffic lights;
  • exit traffic lights;
  • maneuverable traffic lights;
  • rail chain.


Figure 3. Choosing the correct station.

Arrow switches are used to identify one or another path to the train. If the train has the correct route according to the arrow, then the arrow is placed in the positive position, otherwise it is considered to be in the negative position. As shown in Figure 1, arrows 1, 3, 4 are placed in the positive position, and arrow 2 is placed in the negative position.

The boundary that separates one number from another is the axis of the passenger building.

Algorithms for establishing and closing routes in computerized centralization

The KM being created, in terms of ensuring the safety of train movement, does not fall short of the current electric centralization systems, even if the reliability of individual computers does not have the properties of devices belonging to the first class. In addition, we will be able to introduce any changes to the algorithms of route installation and distribution in order to increase the safety of train movement in the mounting devices on the stands.

Computer centering has a number of advantages in contrast to traditional electric centering. The following are the main ones: 1) cyclic control of objects on road and arrow-road sections, arrows and signals; 2) keeping the signal and arrow-control relays in the excited state, which is carried out along with checking the traffic safety conditions in each cycle. In both cases, control is carried out cyclically, and the cycle time varies from 0.2 to 0.0025 seconds, depending on the number of routes installed at the same time.


Figure 4. Project of full station.


Figure 5. Formation of content in the station.

Traffic lights are numbered according to the number of tracks and the direction of train movement.

In computerized centralization, control of station work is carried out using a computer. A station image with all control and auxiliary icons appears on the computer display (Figure 4,5). Setting the route is carried out by moving the mouse pointer to the signal shown on the display and pressing the mouse button.


To summarize the project, such software plays a major role in the analysis of previously delivered objects and error checking. Also, the formation of additional roads or the introduction of transit roads is very suitable. The simulation is scientifically based on railway laws and has been controlled by experts.


  1. M. Aliyev, E.T. Tohirov, R.M. Aliyev, Z.H. Tulyaganova Temir yo’l stantsiyalari avtomatika va telemexanika qurilmalarining dasturiy ta'minoti. -Т: ТашИИТ,2013.- 51 с.

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