УДК 37

My profession is a speech therapist teacher

Нарожняя Екатерина Геннадьевна – Белгородский государственный университет.

Научный руководитель Бузина Евгения Игоревна – Белгородский государственный университет.

Abstract: In the article the role of a speech therapist teacher in modern society, its functions are observed.

Аннотация: В статье рассматривается роль учителя-логопеда в современном обществе, его функции.

Keywords: speech therapist, knowledge, communication, profession, approach.

Ключевые слова: логопед, знания, общение, профессия, подход.

Many experts agree that in the 70-80s of the XX century there were fewer children with speech defects than at present. The number of children whose speech appeared by the age of 3 also increased [1, p. 102]. In 2021, about 60% of Russian schoolchildren come to the first gradehaving oral speech defects, and these defects are combined with problems with writing and reading. [4]. Therefore, in modern realities, there is an urgent children’sneed in speech therapy.

Speech therapy is a special science concerning speech defects, methods of their prevention, detection and correction by means of special training and education [1, p. 6].

Speech development disorders concern different branches, so a speech therapist must have such skills as:

  • work with speech;
  • speech development classes;
  • correction of speech disorders;
  • development of cognitive activity;
  • sensorimotor development;
  • work on personality formation and normalization of microsocial environment.

The profession of a speech therapist teacher involves the implementation of diagnostic, correctional-pedagogical, preventive and research functions. The effectiveness of the speech therapist teacher largely depends on his ability to combine the pedagogical approach in his work with psychophysiological, neuropsychological and psycholinguistic knowledge of the structure and functioning of speech as a communicative system, as well as with linguistic knowledge about the structure of the language that is used as a means of communication.

To hear a correctly pronounced sound, to see a decrease in the number of errors in the letter, to feel positive emotions: joy, confidence, pride – this is all experienced by the child, his relatives and the specialist himself. In addition, I am interested in understanding the causes of speech disorders on the part of neurology. This helps to properly build an approach to the child, a correction program.

In the first grade, I wanted to become a teacher. It is difficult to be a good teacher. It is not enough to have knowledge, you need to love children. Only a professional develops the desire for knowledge in his students.

I consider this work creative. This work combines the professions of a teacher, actor, musician, designer, psychologist.

I love children very much. This quality should be useful to me in my future profession.

A speech therapist should have tact. I understand that people who speak with defects are embarrassed by their shortcomings — you need to be as correct as possible in communicating with them.

A speech therapist should have a sense of humor to encourage the student. I have a sense of humor too.

Creating conditions for mastering speech, a speech therapist should not forget about the surrounding environment. This is the only way to invite a child to a dialogue. I always pay great attention to the surrounding environment.

In today's world, it is difficult to overstate the importance of correct and clear speech. Speech disorders, restriction of speech communication can negatively affect the formation of personality, cause mental layers, specific features of the emotional-volitional sphere.

In modern conditions, the role of a speech therapist teacher is also changing, as there are serious changes in education system on the background of great socio-economic changes in the development of the society. A speech therapy teacher rethinks the aims, content, methods due to the emerging tendency towards humanistic, personality-oriented learning and education [3 p. 60].

A modern speech therapist teacher is an educator whoworking with children contributes to their future by forming skills in correct speech that provide good perspectives for a successful life. A speech therapist teacher is studying all his life, developing and improving his professional experience and generously sharing it with colleagues and associates, parents.

Thus, a speech therapy teacherhandles the most expensive thing-children, who are so different and dissimilar.It is necessary to choose a unique approach to every child, to deserve kid’s trust and love.

One of the important components in pedagogical activity is the personality of the speech therapist teacher, his human qualities. A kind look, affectionate speech, the charm of a teacher make a child believe in success. A speech therapist teacher must be able to pronounce any word, phrase, sentence in such a way that achild would like to speak beautifully and correctly. The first success and then a lot of triumphs inspirea kid and encourage him to get good results.

Список литературы

  1. Демина А.А. Логопедия: учеб. пособие / А. А. Демина. – М.: Директ-Медиа, 2022. – 64 с.
  2. Макаров И. В. Нарушение речевого развития у детей / И. В. Макаров, Д. А. Емилина // Социальная и клиническая психиатрия. – 2017. – Т. 27. – № 4. – С. 101-105.
  3. Никулина Т.В. Роль логопеда в современном образовании // Вестник научных конференций. – 2022. – № 9-3 (85). – С. 59-60.
  4. Около 60% детей в РФ приходят в первый класс с нарушениями устной речи – эксперт. 04.10.2021. – URL: https://www.ng.ru/news/721700.html (дата обращения: 20.04.2023).

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