УДК 542.934:572.7:577.17.049:611:428:612.67

Maintenance of hydration of lymph nodes of different anatomical and topographic localization in the aging process by phytocorrection based on flavonoids

Бекенева Ксения Алексеевна – студент Института медицины и психологии имени Зельмана Новосибирского государственного университета.

Быстрова Валерия Игоревна – студент Института медицины и психологии имени Зельмана Новосибирского государственного университета.

Горчаков Владимир Николаевич – доктор медицинских наук, профессор Научно-исследовательского института клинической и экспериментальной лимфологии – филиала Института цитологии и генетики Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук.

Тумас Артем Сергеевич – студент Института медицины и психологии имени Зельмана Новосибирского государственного университета.

Вергунова Екатерина Евгеньевна – студент Института медицины и психологии имени Зельмана Новосибирского государственного университета.

Abstract: This scientific article talks about the effect of a phytocomposition rich in flavonoids on the state of hydration of lymph nodes belonging to different lymphatic regions and subject to the aging process. The study is carried out on visceral and somatic lymph nodes. The use of bioflavonoids from plants stimulates the function of lymph nodes, changing the level of their hydration in aging tissues. The achievement of this effect is partly due to the localization of lymph nodes. Phytotherapeutic correction helps to optimize the hydration balance of lymph nodes, improving their drainage and transport functions. The lymphotropic effect of phytocomposition during late ontogenesis has significant practical potential in the context of programs to restore the internal ecology of the body and counteract aging.

Аннотация: В данной научной статье говорится о воздействии фитокомпозиции, богатой флавоноидами, на состояние гидратации лимфатических узлов, принадлежащих разным лимфатическим регионам и подверженных процессу старения. Исследование проводится на висцеральных и соматических лимфоузлах. Применение биофлавоноидов из растений стимулирует функцию лимфоузлов, меняя уровень их гидратации в стареющих тканях. Достижение данного эффекта отчасти обусловлено локализацией лимфатических узлов. Фитотерапевтическая коррекция способствует оптимизации гидратационного баланса лимфоузлов, улучшая их дренажную и транспортную функции. Лимфотропное действие фитокомпозиции в период позднего онтогенеза имеет значительный практический потенциал в контексте программ по восстановлению внутренней экологии организма и противодействия старению.

Keywords: lymphatic region, lymph nodes, hydration, bioflavonoids, phytocorrection.

Ключевые слова: лимфатический регион, лимфоузлы, гидратация, биофлавоноиды, фитокоррекция.


Aging is a universal biological process that affects all organs and systems of the body, including the lymphatic system. However, it is important to note that this process is not homogeneous, and different tissues and organs can age at different rates and in a manner. In the context of the lymphatic system, lymph nodes act as important nodal points that play a central role in regulating the immune response and ensuring drainage of the intercellular space [3,4].

Age-related changes in lymph nodes may include structural and functional modifications that may reduce their ability to perform their basic functions. One of the key variables in this context is the level of hydration [1,2,5]. The water balance in the lymph nodes plays an important role in maintaining their structure and function, and aging can lead to a violation of this balance. Understanding the dynamics of changes in the fluid balance of lymph nodes during aging and ways to correct it is of great importance for the development of effective methods to improve the health and quality of life of older people.

Despite significant achievements in the field of medical sciences, there is still an urgent need to study alternative, non-pharmacological approaches to maintaining the fluid balance of lymph nodes. In this context, the potential of phytotherapy attracts attention. Phytopreparations rich in bioflavonoids can offer valuable tools for influencing biological processes associated with aging and dehydration [7].

Thus, the main purpose of this study was to study changes in the fluid balance in lymph nodes of various anatomical and topographic localization during aging and to study the effect of phytocorrection on age-induced processes.

Materials and methods

The animal experiment was conducted in strict accordance with the principles of bioethics and the norms of good laboratory practice (GLP), in accordance with the Directives of the Council of the European Communities of November 24, 1986, 86/609/EEC, approved at the Geneva Conference (1971), in accordance with the guidelines for laboratory animals [8] and the Order of the Ministry of Health RF No. 267 dated 06/19/2003 All operations that cause painful sensations, as well as the withdrawal of animals from the experiment were carried out under ether anesthesia.

The experiment was conducted on 60 male white Wistar rats aged 3-5 months and 1-1.5 years. The age groups were selected based on the analogy of the age of rats and humans using a coefficient of 1.7 [9]. The objects of the study included inguinal, mesenteric and tracheobronchial lymph nodes. All the subjects were kept on a standard diet during the study and had unlimited access to water.

Half of the animals received phytopreparation in addition to the diet for one month at a dosage of 0.1–0.2 g / kg per day, while the other half served as a control group. The phytopreparation used in the experiment contained refined medicinal plants of Siberia (badan, rhodiola rosea, Siberian penny, blueberry, currant, May rose, etc.) [10]. The phytopreparation is similar to the bioactive supplement "Lymphophyte" from the series "Harmony Vita". The main bioactive components are flavonoids, including catechins, flavanols, anthocyanins, anthocyanidins and others. Confirmation of the quality of the phytopreparation is the determination of phytoglycosides in terms of rutin.

The following methods were used to conduct this study:

  1. Histological method: the method is used to study tissues at the microscopic level. In our study, we used light microscopy to analyze histological sections of lymph nodes. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, which made it possible to emphasize various structures and cells in the tissues. In addition, we performed morphometry – measurement and analysis of the shape and structure of cells and lymph node divisions.
  2. Thermogravimetric method: this method is used to study the water composition of tissues and determine their hydration characteristics. Using this method, we analyzed the hydration properties of lymph nodes, following the recommendations of N.F. Farashchuk. This helped us to assess the effect of the aging process and the use of phytopreparation on the level of hydration of these organs.
  3. Statistical method: for processing and analyzing the data obtained, we used Excel and StatPlus Pro software, AnalystSoft Inc. Since the data samples were taken from normally distributed aggregates, we applied parametric criteria, in particular the Student's t-test, to assess the statistical significance of differences between groups. The significance level p < 0.05 was adopted, which corresponds to the standards of biomedical research.

Together, these methods provided us with a deep understanding of the effects of aging and the use of phytopreparation on the structure and function of lymph nodes in the tested animals.

The selected complex of plant components is due to the combined action of nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals. They are able to optimize the nutritional status of a person, participate in the regulation of the body within the physiological norm, and also have a preventive and therapeutic effect in conditions of various pathological conditions [7]. The results of this study can serve as a basis for further research in the field of improving health and longevity.


Inguinal lymph nodes. In the process of ontogenesis, noticeable changes occur in the inguinal lymph nodes. In particular, the volume of liquid is reduced by 11.16%, and the capacity coefficient is reduced by 1.74 times. The cortical-cerebral ratio or K/M index increases, along with this, there is an increase in the density index, the volume of the bound fraction of water. However, the volume of free fluid, which mainly consists of intercellular fluid, is reduced by 2.2 times. Accordingly, the hydration coefficient also decreases by 2.2 times. All these factors indicate significant dehydration with age, as well as an increase in cellular and fibrous elements in the lymph node. The end result of such changes will be an improvement in the drainage function of the inguinal lymph nodes.

On the other hand, the use of phytocomposition can significantly improve some of these indicators. For example, after phyto–correction, the volume of bound water decreases by 1.3-1.6 times, indicating a decrease in the deposition of lymph and the intensity of lymph flow through the lymph node. This is confirmed by a decrease in the size of the sinus system. The volume of intercellular fluid remains approximately unchanged when using phyto-correction. The redundancy of the sinus system is normalized and lymph transport is restored, which provides a stimulating effect on the lymphatic system (Graph 1).


Graph 1. Parameters of inguinal lymph node hydration.

Mesenteric lymph nodes. In the process of ontogenesis, mesenteric lymph nodes undergo certain changes. For example, the total volume of water decreases by about 15.72%, which is 1.2 times less than in youth, the volume of lymph decreases by 2.2 times, and the volume of intercellular fluid decreases by 1.8 times. This whole process leads to an increase in the hydration coefficient by 2.1 times, which is an indicator of the progression of dehydration. At the same time, there is a decrease in density and capacity, which is due to an increase in the mass of cellular and fibrous elements in the structure of the lymph node.

In turn, the use of phytotherapy can significantly improve the situation. There is an increase in the volume of total water by 6.3%, which is associated with an increase in its depot inside the node. The functional activity of lymph nodes is also stimulated, while the volume of lymph in the sinuses increases by 1.5 times, while the volume of extracellular fluid remains stable. The hydration coefficient decreases by 20%, which provides an increase in the volume of fluid and the free fraction of water in the intra-node structure, thus contributing to an increase in lymph inflow. The use of phytocomposition has a stimulating effect on the lymphatic system, which changes the level of hydration, modifying it in order to increase the drainage function of the mesenteric lymph node (Graph 2).


Graph 2. Parameters of mesenteric lymph node hydration.

Tracheobrronchial lymph nodes. The lymph nodes of the tracheobronchial lymphatic region are characterized by the growth of lymphoid tissue, which serves as evidence of their immune function. This group of nodes is also subject to various age-related changes. For example, over time, there is a decrease in the volume of fluid and the total amount of water in the lymph node. The volume of intercellular fluid is reduced by more than 3 times. The increase in the hydration coefficient almost twice reflects a decrease in the hydration level of the node, mainly due to the reduction of the free fraction of water. There is a decrease in lymph transport due to senile transformations in the lymph nodes. However, the density of the node remains comparable to that observed in youth. This is due to the peculiarities of the morphology of the tracheobronchial node, where cellular and fibrous structures prevail at all stages of ontogenesis.

When using phytostimulation, the volume of intercellular fluid increases almost 3 times, and the total volume of fluid also increases. In this case, the free fraction of the fluid is accumulated, which is mainly concentrated in the lymphatic sinuses of the node. At the same time, a decrease in the hydration coefficient is observed, which indicates an increase in hydration under the condition of increased density of the lymph node. Such changes during phytostimulation make it possible to increase the efficiency of the lymph nodes, especially with regard to their hydration state and the function of lymph transportation (Graph 3).


Graph 3. Parameters of mesenteric lymph node hydration.


The changes observed with age in the inguinal, mesenteric and tracheobronchial lymph nodes indicate universal aging processes affecting all body systems. A decrease in the volume of liquid and the total amount of water in the nodes may indicate a decrease in their functional activity and the effectiveness of the drainage function. A decrease in the volume of intercellular fluid is also associated with a change in the tissue structure of the nodes, which is caused by an increase. An increase in the hydration coefficient and the effect on the structure of cellular and cellular elements confirms the hypothesis of node dehydration as a factor of age-related changes.

Nevertheless, the use of phytocompositions has shown encouraging results in the fight against aging of the lymphatic system. An increase in the volume of intercellular fluid and the total amount of water in the nodes indicates the possibility of correcting age-related changes. The positive effect of phytotherapy on the free fraction of water in the intra-node structure also confirms the importance of this approach for maintaining effective lymph transport and performing the main functions of the lymphatic system.

These conclusions should be considered in the context of the current state of scientific knowledge and the possibilities of their application in clinical practice. Although the results are encouraging, it is important to continue research in this area to deepen understanding of the mechanisms of aging of lymph nodes and develop new treatment strategies. An important direction for future research may be to determine the specific components of phytocompositions that are most effective for restoring the functions of lymph nodes, and their possible synergistic effects.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the aging process in the lymph nodes, despite its versatility, still has distinctive features depending on whether the lymph nodes belong to a certain anatomical and topographic group. This confirms the need for specific therapy adapted to the characteristics of each individual node. Studying the differences in the dynamics of changes between different types of lymph nodes can be an important step for developing more individualized approaches to treatment.

The observed increase in cellular and fibrous elements in lymph nodes may also indicate a significant effect of aging on the structure of these nodes. Further study of these changes may provide a key to understanding the mechanisms of aging in these bodies and help in the development of strategies for their management or treatment.

In turn, the evaluation of the effects of phytocompositions on various parameters of lymph nodes can help in identifying the most effective components for each specific parameter. This will allow you to create more effective herbal medicine strategies.

With age, an increase in cellular and fibrous elements occurs in the inguinal lymph nodes, accompanied by a decrease in fluid. This leads to a decrease in node hydration and deterioration of their drainage function, which is caused by a general decrease in the capacity of lymph nodes and the concentration of intercellular fluid. This process is part of the natural ontogenetic dynamics, but its negative consequences can be minimized with the help of phytocorrection. When using a phytocomposition containing bioflavonoids, the lymphatic system is stimulated, which leads to normalization of drainage function. It is especially important to note that phytocorrection helps to reduce the volume of bound water in the nodes, which, in turn, indicates an increase in the rate of lymph flow and a decrease in lymph deposition. This is also confirmed by a decrease in the size of the sinus system of the lymph node. The results of the study showed that the phytocomposition not only levels the dehydration of aging inguinal lymph nodes, but also helps to optimize their hydration parameters. Interestingly, at the same time, the volume of intercellular fluid practically does not change, which may indicate a more efficient distribution of fluid balance inside the inguinal lymph nodes.

In the process of ontogenesis, mesenteric lymph nodes go through a number of transformations, including a reduction in the volume of water and lymph, an increase in the hydration coefficient and the restructuring of cellular and fibrous elements. These changes lead to a general deterioration in the function of the lymph nodes of this lymphatic region, which causes the need for therapeutic intervention. When using phytotherapy, there is a significant improvement in hydration and functional activity of mesenteric lymph nodes. This is proved by an increase in the volume of total water and lymph inside the node, with the stability of the volume of extracellular fluid. This effect is achieved due to the stimulating effect of the phytocomposition, which reduces the hydration coefficient by 20%. Thus, using phytotherapy, it is possible to achieve an increase in the volume of fluid and the free fraction of water inside the node, which improves the flow of lymph. This improves the drainage function of mesenteric lymph nodes, optimizes their structure and increases the overall efficiency of the lymphatic system. It is also worth noting that such changes can improve the immune response and overall health, which makes the use of phytocompositions a promising strategy for maintaining the function of the lymphatic system in the aging process.

In tracheobronchial lymph nodes, with age, there is a decrease in the level of hydration and lymph transport. At the same time, the density of these lymph nodes remains equivalent to young animals, which is explained by the unique structure of tracheobronchial nodes, where cellular and fibrous elements prevail throughout ontogenesis. The use of phytostimulation can serve as an effective strategy to overcome these senile changes, improving the hydration and functionality of tracheobronchial lymph nodes. There is an increase in the volume of intercellular and total fluid, as well as an increase in the free fraction of the fluid, mainly concentrated in the lymphatic sinuses of the node. This entails a decrease in the hydration coefficient, which indicates an increase in the level of hydration while maintaining a high density of the lymph node. Changes caused by stimulation increase the efficiency of lymph nodes in this region, improving their hydration state and ability to transport lymph. This approach allows you to optimize the functions of the immune system, improving overall health and reducing the impact of age-related changes on the body.

In conclusion, it should be said that these results open up new perspectives for understanding the aging process of the lymphatic system and for developing new approaches to its management. This underlines the importance of continuing research in this area and confirms the potential of phytotherapy as an important tool in the fight against aging of the lymphatic system.


In this study, we conducted a detailed analysis of the aging of lymph nodes, which play an important role in maintaining the body's homeostasis, providing effective drainage and immune effects. We found that with age there are significant changes in the structure and functions of lymph nodes, in particular inguinal, mesenteric and tracheobronchial lymph nodes.

These changes include a decrease in fluid volume, an increase in cellular and fibrous structure, a change in density and a decrease in drainage function. This is especially noticeable in the form of deterioration of hydration, which is important for maintaining the normal functioning of the lymphatic system.

However, the introduction of a phytocomposition rich in bioflavonoids showed a noticeable improvement in the hydration, structure and function of lymph nodes. These changes manifest themselves in the form of improved hydration, an increase in the volume of intercellular fluid, normalization of the size of the sinus system and an increase in the drainage function of lymph nodes.

Our work emphasizes the importance of maintaining proper hydration of lymph nodes during aging and suggests the use of a phytocomposition rich in bioflavonoids as an effective approach to this problem. At the same time, the implementation of such an approach can contribute to improving the overall health and well-being of a person throughout the entire life cycle.

Finally, our data provide an important theoretical and practical contribution to the field of aging research and can be used to develop new strategies and methods to counter aging, in particular, for the implementation of endoecological rehabilitation and anti-aging programs. This opens up ample opportunities for further research in this direction.


Based on the conducted research, the following conclusions can be formulated:

  1. In the process of aging, significant structural and functional changes are observed in the lymph nodes of various localizations (inguinal, mesenteric, pulmonary). This manifests itself in the form of a decrease in the volume of liquid, a decrease in the coefficient of capacity, an increase in the density and volume of the bound fraction of water, while simultaneously reducing the volume of free liquid. These changes indicate the processes of dehydration and an increase in cellular and fibrous elements in the lymph nodes.
  2. The use of phytocompositions shows contradictory effects that depend on the lymphatic region. In general, there is a tendency to improve the indicators of hydration and stimulation of lymph transit. This can be interpreted as restoration of drainage function and lymphostimulating effect.
  3. Of course, there are differences in the aging processes of lymph nodes of different lymphatic regions, which emphasizes the need for a specific approach to the correction of each of them. Understanding the mechanisms of aging and developing methods for their correction remains an open question.
  4. The study of the effects of phytocompositions on various parameters of lymph nodes can be the basis for creating more effective strategies of phytotherapy, which opens up new prospects for the correction of the pro-aging lymphatic system.

In general, these studies confirm the complexity and versatility of the aging processes of the lymphatic system and indicate ways for further research. Phytotherapy is a promising tool for correcting these processes, requiring a deep and comprehensive study.


Appendix 1. Statistical values for Schedule 1.


Young animals

Old animals before BAV


Old animals after BAV


Water volume, %



P < 0,05


P > 0,05

Lymph volume in sinuses, mm3



P > 0,05


P < 0,001

Volume of intercellular fluid, mm3



P < 0,001


P > 0,05

Volume of total liquid, mm3



P < 0,001


P < 0,05

Объем свободной воды, mm3



P < 0,01


P < 0,05

Volume of bound water, mm3



P < 0,001


P < 0,001

Hydration coefficient



P < 0,05


P < 0,05




P < 0,001


P > 0,05

Appendix 2. Statistical values for Schedule 2.


Young animals

Old animals before BAV


Old animals after BAV


Water volume, %



P < 0,001


P > 0,05

Lymph volume in sinuses, mm3



P < 0,001


P < 0,01

Volume of intercellular fluid, mm3



P < 0,001


P > 0,05

Volume of total liquid, mm3



P < 0,001


P > 0,05

Объем свободной воды, mm3



P < 0,001


P > 0,05

Volume of bound water, mm3



P > 0,05


P > 0,05

Hydration coefficient



P < 0,001


P > 0,05




P > 0,05


P > 0,05

Appendix 3. Statistical values for Schedule 3.


Young animals

Old animals before BAV


Old animals after BAV


Water volume, %



P < 0,001


P < 0,001

Lymph volume in sinuses, mm3



P > 0,05


P > 0,05

Volume of intercellular fluid, mm3



P < 0,01


P < 0,05

Volume of total liquid, mm3



P > 0,05


P > 0,05

Объем свободной воды, mm3



P < 0,01


P > 0,05

Volume of bound water, mm3



P > 0,05


P < 0,05

Hydration coefficient



P < 0,001


P < 0,001




P > 0,05


P > 0,05


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