УДК 33

Entrepreneurship in the digital age

Сунь Цзинсун – бакалавр Юньнаньского университета финансов (Китай).

Abstract: This article describes the role of the digital economy and its part in the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, the problems that arise in the application of digital economy in entrepreneurial activity, and the ways to address them in detail.

Keywords: digital economy, modernization, small business and entrepreneurship, innovative development, technology platforms, information and communication technologies.

In the context of global digital economy expansion, emerging digital technologies such as big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, etc. are constantly emerging, giving rise to many new industries, new business models, and new modes, and digital startups are growing explosively, with Tencent, Jitterbug, Meituan, etc. quickly growing into leading enterprises; at the same time, traditional enterprises are also using digital technologies to start second businesses and open the road to digital transformation[1]. Digital entrepreneurship has become an important path for leapfrog development of enterprises, but digital entrepreneurship is not a "single gun", digital entrepreneurial activities are closely related to partners and external environment, and digital entrepreneurial ecosystem has emerged as a new organization for entrepreneurship in the digital era[2].

At the theoretical level, the concept of digital entrepreneurship ecosystem has gradually received attention from innovation and entrepreneurship research in recent years, and a number of leading studies have emerged, but the fledgling research field is still emerging and still lags behind the development of practice. Specifically, digital entrepreneurship ecosystem is the fusion of entrepreneurial ecosystem and digital ecosystem, but the existing studies have widely different understanding of digital entrepreneurship ecosystem and insufficient research on core issues such as formation, governance and evolutionary path of digital entrepreneurship ecosystem[3]. The existing studies on digital entrepreneurship ecosystem show scattered and fragmented characteristics and lack a systematic theoretical structure. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to systematically sort out and analyze the research literature on digital entrepreneurship ecosystems, which can not only provide enlightening ideas for scholars of digital entrepreneurship ecosystem research, but also provide valuable insights for the practice in this field[4].

In order to clarify the research progress of digital entrepreneurship ecosystem, this paper combines quantitative and qualitative methods to sort out and analyze the existing literature. Firstly, we clarify the concept of digital entrepreneurship ecosystem, systematically sort out the academic literature in core journals at home and abroad, and use CiteSpace software to conduct literature co-citation analysis and keyword co-occurrence analysis to depict the knowledge map of digital entrepreneurship ecosystem research; secondly, we synthesize the results of quantitative analysis and qualitative reading, focus on analyzing the hot issues in this research field, and refine and construct the Finally, the paper proposes future research topics based on the circle structure of digital entrepreneurship ecosystem. In conclusion, this paper advances the research on digital entrepreneurship ecosystem from three aspects: first, it presents the overall overview of existing research from a global perspective based on bibliometric methods; second, it integrates previous related research in the vein of circles and establishes a circle analysis framework of existing research; third, it summarizes the shortcomings of existing research based on literature review and proposes research directions worthy of attention[5].

Clarifying the concept is the premise of the study.Sussan and Acs are the first to clearly define the digital entrepreneurship ecosystem, which is considered to be formed by the fusion of digital ecosystem and entrepreneurial ecosystem, where digital ecosystem refers to an adaptive distributed open technology system built by digital technology and heterogeneous digital entities , which takes digital user needs as the core, using digital technologies to create, disseminate and connect to provide digital products and digital services; while the entrepreneurial ecosystem is a complex system that can support entrepreneurship, promote the sharing of entrepreneurial resources, and provide perfect entrepreneurial hardware facilities (office environment, logistics and transportation, etc.) and soft services (policy support, entrepreneurial culture).

Digital entrepreneurial ecosystems have both the convergence, scalability, and modularity of digital ecosystems and the diversity, networking, symbiosis, competition, and self-sustainability of entrepreneurial ecosystems, as well as the unique properties arising from the combination of both, such as digital technological change, all-user open collaboration, cross-border convergence and disruption, digital high-value creation, and dynamic rapid iteration, etc. Among them, digital technological change emphasizes the fundamentally transformative role of digital technology to entrepreneurial activities, such as breaking the constraints on growth from the limited supply of traditional labor, capital, knowledge, and other factors, and highlighting the multi-level networked digital architecture formed by the fusion of new production factors such as data and information; all-user open collaboration emphasizes the huge number of Users are constantly entering the digital entrepreneurship ecosystem and becoming system participants, and the user spectrum is rapidly stretching from individual users at the C-terminus to "all-users", including almost all commercial enterprise users at the B-terminus and even public service institution users at the G-terminus, as well as massive user demand; cross-border integration Disruption emphasizes that digital entrepreneurial ecosystems are no longer limited by geographical boundaries and are constantly converging across borders to disrupt traditional product, service, and industry development; digital high-value creation emphasizes that digital entrepreneurial ecosystems have deeper and broader value spillovers, presenting an all-data, all-channel, all-node multi-entity high-value co-creation; dynamic rapid iteration emphasizes that the evolution of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem is not only caused by the transformation caused by digital technology, but also by the impact of high-speed changes, and the renewal cycle of products and services is shortening at an unprecedented rate, the digital entrepreneurship ecosystem must respond to changes in the digital marketplace at a faster pace to achieve sustainable growth.

Ecosystem, it is necessary to expand the study of digital entrepreneurship ecosystem in the Chinese context based on different characteristic practices to reveal its laws.


  1. Stawicka E. Sustainable development in the digital age of entrepreneurship //Sustainability. – 2021. – Т. 13. – №. – С. 4429.
  2. Sussan F., Acs Z. J. The digital entrepreneurial ecosystem //Small Business Economics. – 2017. – Т. 49. – С. 55-73.
  3. Rathee R., Rajain P. Entrepreneurship in the digital era //Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management. – 2017. – Т. 8. – №. 6. – С. 52-63.
  4. Hanna N. A role for the state in the digital age //Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. – 2018. – Т. 7. – №. 1. – С. 5.
  5. Autio E., Fu K., Levie J. Entrepreneurship as a Driver of Innovation in the Digital Age. – 2020.

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