УДК 331

Development of methodology for introducing lean management into project management of a company

Куралова Айгерим – магистрант Алматы Менеджмент Университет, Республика Казахстан

Abstract: Implementation of any new system or model in companies needs step-by-step methodologies to introduce it with minimum losses and difficulties. Introduction of lean management into project management of a company is not an exclusion as well. The subject of the research is the implementation of lean manufacturing using project management technology. The goal is to substantiate the possibility of using tools and methods of lean production in enterprises. General scientific research methods are used: external and participant observation, statistical methods, elements of process modeling. The results showed that the spread of lean production methods in enterprises should be carried out as a project activity, initiating and implementing lean production projects in different structural divisions. As a result of the study, the effectiveness of lean management projects is shown, problems specific to enterprises are identified, and some areas of activity are identified that contribute to improving operational efficiency.

Keywords: project management, lean philosophy, waste reduction.

Lean project management is one of the tools to keep the efficiency and development. It should be taken into account that tools and method themselves do not create the economic growth or high productivity, since the organizational and staff intention plats the major role to adapt these tools. Therefore, it is crucial to change the mindset of the employees and employers, create organizational culture which is flexible enough to embrace new ways of working. The article considers the possibilities of the enterprise to use the technology of project management in the implementation of lean management system.

The methodological basis of the research consists of applied and fundamental works of foreign and domestic scientists, specialists in the field of lean production, business processes and enterprise management. Both general scientific and special methods are used.

The goal of the lean production is to minimize wastes and maximize the value of every process. Lean management is about 80% of organizational aspects and 20% of investments into technologies. With the help of it, companies minimize costs, lead time for launching new products, product creation lead time, the space needed for production and warehousing, by guaranteeing the safe, quality and on time supply of the products and increase of productivity and value of every process.

Lean manufacturing as a breakthrough approach to management and quality management that ensures long-term competitiveness without significant capital investments [1]. It contributes to efficient work without unnecessary interruptions by identifying value and also creates the best sequence of the actions. D. P. Hobbs singles out the design and implementation of a production line as the main task of lean manufacturing, which allows manufacturing different types of products in a set time [2]. Another opinion is that an important part of the concept of lean production is continuous improvement and participation in this process of the entire team of the enterprise [3]. Before introducing any approaches, tools and techniques, it is important to identify what results should be achieved, how they should be implemented and main criteria to identify the success of the process. Same actions are needed when introducing lean project management to any organization. Therefore, the clear methodology of lean project management introduction to the company should be created.

According to the lean philosophy, there are value-added and non-value-added activities and tasks, which directly affects an organization’s performance. The value-added activities contribute to what is needed to the customer, while non-value-adding actions can be skipped and the final result without them doesn’t change dramatically. Overall, the essence of the lean philosophy is described in the following lean principles [4]:

  1. Identification of the value of the particular product by looking through the customer’s eyes. The value is what makes the product attractive to the final user or consumer. Therefore, companies thrive to get to know their target market needs and wants;
  2. Value stream identification – process description of how the value is achieved including all value-adding and non-value adding steps from the beginning to the final phase;
  3. Ensure the constant value stream;
  4. To pull the product meeting all customer requirements;
  5. Continuous improvement by constantly targeting customer needs.

The barriers of successful introduction of lean management is often linked to the following reasons [5]:

  • The lack of investment to the personnel learning of understanding the lean philosophy and using the lean tools;
  • The lack of employee motivation and intention to learn and prosper;
  • The lack of professionals who is responsible for the change management;
  • The lack of specialists in lean project management sphere;
  • The line managers are not interested enough to apply lean philosophy;
  • The line and top managers expect quick results without proper training of employees and with insufficient

Activities to improve operational efficiency should be carried out in a project mode. A project is a time-limited intention to create a unique product or service, which is a consistent and interconnected set of activities and processes aimed at achieving the main goal, in the form of a large-scale task [6]. A step-by-step algorithm for implementing lean manufacturing in an enterprise from an American researcher D. P. Vumek is described below:

  1. Select a leader in the enterprise who is respected among the workers and has a history of implementing successful projects. This person needs to take responsibility and direct the implementation process;
  2. The entire implementation team should receive basic training in the basics of lean management and key tools;
  3. Identify or create a crisis. A crisis in an enterprise can serve as a good impetus for the implementation of lean;
  4. Start of implementing a lean system in stages. At the initial stage, employees should eliminate losses wherever they notice them. After a successful experience, more complex tasks need to be included, concentrating on the specific goals of the enterprise;
  5. Mapping value streams. Production or operational process in the form of a flow map will help to detect bottlenecks, problems and losses. It is also necessary to think over a plan for their elimination and present a map of the future flow;
  6. Information about the progress of the implementation process and its results should not be hidden from employees;
  7. Commitment to fast results. Lean manufacturing is a long-term strategy, but in the early stages it is better to focus on immediate results;
  8. Launching the kaizen system. The more employees are involved in the common cause of continuous improvement, the faster positive results can be achieved.

The procurement department of an FMCG company was selected for analysis. This department supplies products to several neighboring countries and is one of the main departments in projects to change distribution channels. Therefore, the analysis of the organization's documents showed that the most promising areas for the implementation of the lean concept are:

  • elimination of storage costs and transport downtime;
  • optimization of the cross-docking system in the warehouse;
  • rational organization of production and supply of products in order to avoid the risks of destruction of goods due to expiration dates;
  • development of solutions for process automation and compensation for losses to customers;
  • construction of new routes in order to reduce transit time and transport costs.

All identified problems can be fully resolved at the enterprise level, their solution requires mainly organizational measures. Pilot projects for the enterprise have shown that lean management tools can significantly increase the economic efficiency of the enterprise. Based on the experience studied, the results of pilot projects and the financial and economic condition of the company, in the course of the study, an algorithm for introducing lean production at the enterprise was proposed:

  1. Creation of a team of lean technologies for the implementation of a lean management system at the enterprise;
  2. Development of a schedule for the implementation of lean management in the divisions of the enterprise;
  3. Training of personnel of all levels in the principles of lean production;
  4. Development of the project in accordance with the schedule;
  5. Implementation of the pilot project;
  6. Evaluation of the efficiency of the department after the implementation of the pilot project on the implementation of lean management.


The study confirmed the hypothesis that the tools and methods of lean manufacturing can be used in any industrial enterprise. Successful implementation of lean production projects contributes to the growth of labor productivity, employee income, reduction of unnecessary stocks, occupied areas, and more rational use of resources. Compliance with the condition below can be the key to the successful implementation of tools and methods of lean management in order to increase the operational efficiency of enterprises:

  • direct participation of the leader of the organization;
  • availability of competencies in the field of project management;
  • creation of a system of multi-level training of employees of the enterprise;
  • transformation of the employee motivation system with a focus on continuous improvement;
  • using the capabilities of digital technologies to solve the issues.

Список литературы

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