УДК 005.95

Development and training of personnel management in inter-civil aviation

Иванова Вероника Станиславовна – ассистент кафедры Истории и управления персоналом Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета гражданской авиации.

Abstract: In a joint world with the manifestation of all new values and technologies, a qualified personal is the main link in the organization's labor process. The development and training of managerial personnel for the industry requires special attention and the use of the entire arsenal of tools and forms of training.

Аннотация: В современном мире с появлением все новых знаний и технологий квалифицированный персонал является главным звеном в трудовом процессе организации. Развитие и обучение управленческих кадров для отрасли требует особого внимания и использования всего арсенала средств и форм обучения.

Keywords: development, training, personnel management, civil aviation.

Ключевые слова: развитие, обучение, управленческий персонал, гражданская авиация.

At today's level, most things have their own personal development and verification systems, usually this system is built on special individual parts of the organization, deployment, and after-lunch training.

The drawing" personal training " was suitable for the season and individual car owners.

For example, Kibanov A. Ya. offers training as a purposefully organized, systematically and systematically implemented process of deducing values, coincidences and escapes under the guidance of experienced teachers, mentors and specialists [2].

Cole J. in his work, he designates learning as a love of learning such an activity that leads to the direct strengthening of specific meanings and new ones necessary for professionalization. From his point of view, the changes can be sent to perform some work or a special task. He also reacts that the development is aimed primarily at the future consumer, and in the second turn - at a professional direct person [4].

A narrower solution is given by dealers Bazarova T. Yu. and Eremina B. L.: personal training is a personnel program for the development of personal ones, focused on the transfer of new values according to the state for the organization of management directions, the ability to resolve competitive production systems and the ability to lead in profile-relevant messages [7].

Thus, the education is personalized to expand his professional compositions. Ideally, it is a frequent strategic computer and is planned. We are responsible for training personalized employees of the personnel department, in large companies – these are the features of the district department. As you know, in order to properly organize the personnel training process, it is necessary to disclose more and more often required in the description. To identify these needs, you can use the following methods, for example, studying a personal equity employee, how long ago he received an education, whether he has applied advanced qualification courses. Also, applications for training can be received from all employees who closely monitor their performance and development. Another method is the certification of an employee, for example, after a separate device failure is performed, when the transfer is extended, an individual development plan for the centurion is drawn up based on the results of this check. A working creator receives a human capital that is trained taking into account what the organization of work and events in a particular company requires (with the quality of production), an employee receives the necessary professional newcomers (their perfection) and improves the very competitiveness in the labor market, increases the productivity of self-improvement.

Next, we turn to the processing of personnel management in the organization, since it is the most important resource for each computer, its decision depends on the social performance and how the company will maintain its set of positions.

Today, increasing the quality of capital management and its professional level is a necessary condition for the successful entertainment of Russian companies in the methods that arise requiring a process, extraordinary challenges, threats and uncertainty.

The main factor affecting the effectiveness of the organization of the personnel management training system is the production of finished products of the highest quality. This is achieved not only by the work of professionally prepared works, but also by the activity of constantly developing personnel management, which characterizes flexibility with flexible thinking, owning a "team order", begging to receive authentic management solutions. The training of such employees, who are continuing up the career ladder, is carried out for a long time.

The main criterion when choosing this or that training method is the effectiveness of the method for achieving the goal of arranging personnel management within the framework of applying an individual approach to consumers and the specification of each filter.

It is necessary to note the following extended temporality inherent in adulthood: the higher the motivation for self-education to the highest level, and the further the place of work is in the organizational menu, thereby the lower the awareness for research. In this regard, it is advisable to apply a practice in which there should be a clear relationship between the level of professional training and promotion. This can create an appropriate regulatory framework, which is aimed not at the concept of expanding the volume, but at updating and publishing them during the initial viewing period of the debate, while distributing all its torsion, non-invasive notification and tracking quantitative determination.on the right.

Developed and personalized training for civil aviation coincides with increased attention. This is due to the specifics of the industry and the fulfillment of functional obligations related to ensuring security in air transport.

Within the framework of civil aviation, various categories of people are involved. One of the key tasks in the regulation of disalization is carried out by emergency personnel, but it will make up only 15% of the number of issued employees, the remaining 85% is non-emergency personnel.

Monitors the mark that the key value in the function is the dedicated personnel management of various levels - the highest, functional and linear, from actions and decisions that register the achievement of the goals and objectives of the organizational output.

In civil emergency situations, personnel management does not have such strict regulations as the training of an emergency employee, fair as a direction of working with human resources and as a means of saving the labor flow having the status, it has one solution for values and requires attention to changes and customs of police policy.

For the development and verification of personalized in the work of civil aviation, the following designation programs are used:

  1. The main professional educational programs:

- educational programs of secondary vocational education;

- reputation programs of higher education.

  1. The main programs of professional training.
  2. Additional specialized programs.

Applicable to the managing person in civil aviation, there are two directions for obtaining an education. The first direction is connected with obtaining a Higher sample in skill in the personnel of the primary directions of training and in educational programs focused on the preparatory training of personnel for retreat. In a good quality of the key direction, we can single out the master in the direction of training " Air Navigation "and" Operation of airports and provision of clear vessels". Another direction is obtaining a second higher education under the bachelor's degree program. For example, if a specialist already occupies a managerial role, but does not have profiling.

An important point for the personnel management is additional professional programs, namely the assumption that exceeds the qualification, which make it possible to develop and improve the efficiency of activities due to the conditions of performance of a professional of the personnel management.


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  2. Kibanov, A. Ya. Basics of personnel management: textbook. / A. Ya. Kibanov / Moscow: Infra-M, 2018. - 304s.
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