УДК 34

Social and legal status of a social worker

Кушбакова Айзада Турсунбаевна – старший преподаватель кафедры Управления бизнесом и социальной работы Ошского технологического университета.

Abstract: The legal status of a person is a system of rights, freedoms and obligations recognized and guaranteed by the state in the legislative order, as well as the legitimate interests of a person as a subject of law. The legal status of a social worker is the legal consolidation of the profession in society. It includes the rights, duties, competencies, and responsibilities of a social worker. Social worker – a person who has graduated from a specialized secondary educational institution in the field of social work.

Аннотация: Правовой статус человека – система признанных и гарантируемых государством в законодательном порядке прав, свобод и обязанностей, а также законных интересов человека как субъекта права. Правовой статус социального работника – юридическое закрепление профессии в обществе. Он включает в себя права, обязанности, компетенцию и ответственность социального работника. Социальный работник – лицо, закончившее среднее специальное учебное заведение по профилю социальной работы.

Keywords: social, law, activity, benefit, interests, employees, categories, population.

Ключевые слова: социальная, право, деятельность, пособие, интересы, работники, категории, населения.

Social workers, carrying out social and legal activities, quite often have to deal with issues of providing legal advice in the field of family, civil, labor legislation, assistance in processing documents for obtaining pensions, allowances, benefits, subsidies, alimony, etc. provided for by law. Specialists carry out preventive and preventive work with various categories of the population to protect and protect their legal rights and interests.

An analysis of the professional activities of social workers shows that they not only comprehend, but to a greater extent solve directly practical tasks of providing social and legal, advisory assistance, protection and support to various segments of the population. Therefore, he must have a good professional training, knowledge in various areas of legislation; have a sufficiently high legal culture, be a highly erudite person; possess information about modern political, social and economic processes in society, have a broad awareness of various social groups of the population; be able to foresee the consequences of their actions, firmly implement their position; be able to win over "difficult" teenagers, orphans, the disabled, the elderly, people in rehabilitation, etc. have a professional tact that can cause sympathy and trust among others, observe professional secrecy, sensitivity in all matters affecting the intimate aspects of human life; have emotional stability, be able to conscientiously perform their duty, remaining calm, friendly and attentive to the ward; be able to make the right decision in unexpected situations, clearly formulate their thoughts, correctly and clearly express them.

To successfully perform their functions, a modern specialist must have not only the sum of general and special knowledge, skills and abilities, but also a set of certain personal qualities that ensure fruitful work, that is, be competent in their activities. One of the most important conditions for achieving professional success of a social worker is a high social and legal competence.

As we found out, social workers, carrying out social and legal activities, quite often. Since the activities of social work specialists follow from its main functions, which force them to face issues of providing legal advice in the field of family, civil, and labor legislation, assisting in the preparation of documents for obtaining pensions, allowances, benefits, subsidies, alimony, and others provided for by law.

Specialists carry out preventive and preventive work with various categories of the population to protect and protect their legal rights and interests. Just imagine what "positive" help can be provided by a social worker who does not know their legal status. The main goal of the work of social services is to achieve such a result when the client no longer needs his help, and not vice versa. The impact of the right on social work has the following features:

  • law offers legal technologies for working with the client;
  • the law determines the legal status of social work clients (refugees, internally displaced persons, unemployed, large families, pensioners, etc.);
  • the law determines the legal status of social protection institutions.

Without knowing the laws and regulations, as well as not knowing their legal status, an employee will not be able to provide qualified assistance in processing documents for obtaining pensions, allowances, benefits, subsidies, and alimony provided for by law. Moreover, it will not be able to help people in restoring documents that are not necessary and mandatory (passport, pole, and others).

The work carried out on the study of the legal status of the employee allows us to conclude that the goals set by us at the beginning of the work are fully investigated and disclosed. Analyzing the results of the survey, we can come to such conclusions as: awareness of the legal framework and the level of education of social workers in social institutions is at a high level. A high level of knowledge and skills has a positive impact on the work and service delivery of social service workers. Our research refutes our hypothesis that employees are not sufficiently knowledgeable in the legal regulation and ensuring the rights of their profession.

To sum up, I would like to say that the work of a social worker is very complex and responsible, so a specialist in social work should be a person who has graduated from a higher educational institution in the profile of social work. And who knows all the rights, duties, as well as their job descriptions.


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