"Научный аспект №2-2019" - Гуманитарные науки

УДК 342.7

General concepts of human rights

Кушбакова Айзада Турсунбаева – преподаватель кафедры Управления бизнесом и социальной работы факультета Экономики и управления Ошского технологического университета.

Аннотация: У каждого человека есть определенный природный комплекс, который состоит из информации, прав и свойств. Однако правовые обязательства являются следствием ранее возникших прав и свобод учреждения. По сути, человек рождается и живет в этом мире, и этого недостаточно для возникновения прав. А на самом высоком уровне развития права и свободы страны гарантированы и защищены.

Ключевые слова: Право, человек, граждане, развитие, право, жизнь, социальное.

Abstract: With the General concept of human rights, first of all, each person has a certain natural complex, which consists of information, rights and properties. However, legal obligations are a consequence of the rights and freedoms of the Institution that arose earlier. In fact, man is born and lives in this world, and this is not enough for the emergence of rights. And at the highest level of development, the rights and freedoms of the country are guaranteed and protected.

Keywords: Right, person, citizens, development, law, life, social.

This is the creation of a state institution and the realization of this basic goal by the same person of public administration. the person and the state are the basis of the whole court and the Foundation for the recognition of the law, as well as in the public sphere. This is the protection of its citizens, its interests and well-being, which is now without democracy. And we must remember that Supreme power depends on the success and prosperity of one living being - society and country.

Basic human rights have been developed over a long period of time and have been called " natural rights. "But one interesting place, when nature was around, that is, nature, while man left his destiny, as well as self-defense, was nothing. human rights, freedoms and duties may arise, or, well, there is only one organization or some kind of society. without the protection of society, the wild man must begin his life and at some point own them for any protection of their natural right. This main objective was not to form a historical society. Maybe it is not always and not everywhere, but it does not fully fulfill the main task, and today humanity has not yet come up with a more effective institution. Thus, in turn, the government, in particular, should offer something in return for people to get something in their safety. its protection was based on such notions as "basic duties of man and citizen" and again to the country.

If we look at the whole, and there are no complicated definitions, our basic rights are exactly what we cannot or cannot give up. We ourselves are only about the non-material part, because we, humans, were born. It's another matter how to use the truth. The state and its organization are obliged-natural and belonging protection of each date. This is not just a random set of rules of human rights, freedoms and duties and the creation of a coherent system that includes a mixture of indifference and various important and essential aspects of human life and activity, its regulatory impact. This includes the scope of social, political, economic as well as physical and spiritual qualities.

The right to life for democratic peace is first and foremost a human right. Under no circumstances, under any circumstances, under any circumstances, no one in the world can get the life of another person. In this case, your personal Chapter is the defense of life, since once it attacks, it can be considered in self-defense. We risk the real, we don't try to live in it, and something else must be, at will, careful, assessment of the situation. in all other cases, responsibility and punishment are established. there must be a number of different personal and inalienable rights to the right to life. the rights and obligations of a state as set forth in the basic law. They provide not only personal but also natural, as well as political, social and socio-economic and socio-cultural rights and freedoms.

Legal obligations of a person are not only a measure, but also a mandatory behavior. And civil society, where citizens ' rights exist, each member is necessary to carry out its duties for the proper functioning of other members of society. A logical and relevant mandatory equivalents in respect of the obligations of human rights are the only rights and freedoms. Therefore, that is, if one, for example, food and other rights have the right to exercise independently. These boundaries cannot be violated. This principle is very similar to morality, the law-other people always turn to them. These are the difficulties that have to be faced, and even when there are a number of accidents, we are not always informed, not only in everyday life, but also observe.

With all states there are historical epochs, but they have different sets and rights, freedoms set for people. Many examples cannot serve to understand the position of women in society, in two historical contexts and in comparison to Islamic countries. In a democratic country, the modern understanding of all citizens begins to form in the period from the middle of XVII-XVIII centuries. At the same time, human responsibilities are changing. For religious reasons, gradually-ethically, even replaced by eye. subsequently, political and legal education has benefited thinkers and scholars who have laid the General Foundation of human rights and all other possible interests and ideologies of state power, power and individuals. Human legal obligations are once again impossible, as well as provided by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on the rule of law, however, the life and social behavior of each person. Through good regulation, it is enough to say about yourself to read them, and in General to understand: the obligation to respect publications, to respect, not to violate their rights and freedoms of other citizens. These citizens are required to protect their country, as well as any taxes, fees and other mandatory payments, from the territory of which each person is engaged in or associated with a particular activity. legal obligations, as well as applicable in the public sphere By: the need for the protection of nature, the protection of society and historical and cultural heritage, compliance with environmental protection requirements, at least one basic General education. Special attention is paid to the protection of children and disabled citizens. Every member of the population, if he remembers what he has, and only after that - only the society that he has the right, accompanies profit and success.


  1. Z.Bill of rights 1689 // Big law dictionary ed. by Sukhareva, Krutskikh, - M.: INFRA-M, 2000. - 384 p.
  2. Bill of rights 1689 // Big law dictionary ed. by Sukhareva, Krutskikh, - M.: Izd-vo INFRA-M, 2000. - 384 p.
  3. Universal Declaration of human rights of 10.12.1948 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 1998.- 10 Dec.
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