"Научный аспект №2-2019" - Гуманитарные науки

УДК 398

The influence of the trilogy "Manas" on nearby neighboring nations

Зулпуев Ашим Зулпуевич – кандидат филологических наук, доцент Ошского технологического университета.

Аннотация: В статье раскрывается влияние на литературное творчество родственных народов эпоса “Манас”, являющегося наследием, повествующим о величии кыргызского народа, одним из самых редко встречающимся памятников мировой поэтики, художественным произведением, созданным творческим гением кыргызского народа.

Abstract: The article reveals the influence of the epos “Manas” on the literary creativity of the related peoples, which is a heritage that tells about the greatness of the Kyrgyz people, one of the most rarely found heritage of world poetics, a work of art created by the creative genius of the Kyrgyz people.

Ключевые слова: Художество, миф, этнография, культура, ремесло, реальная жизнь, родственный народ.

Keywords: Art, myth, ethnography, culture, craft, real life, related people.

The Kyrgyz people on the way to growth, in deep century history managed to create the highest samples of epic culture of the Kyrgyz people who endured long, difficult centuries. Literature and culture of neighboring Nations developed and interacted with each other.

In comparison with large-scale epics “Manas”, “Kenzhe”, the epic “Er Toshtuk” sounds both Kazakh and Tatar people. And "er Toshtuk” - one of the oldest works with the epic "Manas". In the trilogy “Manas” the main characters will be the Manas and Mostinskii heroes. Each of the oral literature of the peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan reflects a particular era of history, characterizes the multifaceted fate of people and peoples, the diversity of life. Everyone has their own original stories,content. But, of course, the epic “Corso CRS toybox, Uksa fist toybox”, which is a huge amount of intricate ocean, so deep and content, including the life, customs, aesthetic nature and ethical views of the Kyrgyz people in ancient times, his attitude toward the world, society, nature, religious beliefs, medical, geographical, astronomical knowledge, psychology, and, of course, the epic “Manas”. Given the comprehensiveness and depth of the topic " Manas”, especially the high artistic level.Aitmatov called this work the peak of the Kyrgyz spirit. Given the basic best qualities inherent in the epic “Manas”-a deep content that reflects the past of the people for many years, a special breadth of the information provided, an unattainable high sample of the artistic level, which gives aesthetic pleasure to the audience, the Treasury value, which absorbed all the acceptable findings on the long historical path of the Kyrgyz people, a unique miracle created by the Kyrgyz people, which is among the miracles made by his human child, with incomparable volume.and, of course, it is worth saying.

The ancient story system of the epic "Manas", although it did not have a direct impact on the oral literature of other peoples, can be indirectly influenced by the epics in creative contact.

It is seen that the Turkic peoples are widespread concepts of the transfer of human qualities to the advanced nature of the surrounding animals, their revival, which reflect the mythical worldview of the peoples.

The epic "Manas", expressing popular opinion, the problem of attention, did not stop its development for a long period of our history as a label of humanistic morality. The Kyrgyz people, who lost the runic script due to the difficult conditions of nomadic life, concentrated spiritual culture on oral creativity and developed it to high skill. The artistic worldview in the epic is focused on the oral experience of many generations of people and minds.

I believe that it is necessary to take care of the problems of the spiritual heritage of the people. Scholar-ethnographer S. of Course, wrong, that Abramzon believes harmful work on the study tribal strata Kyrgyz people. Hostile ethnic groups in the epic "Manas "in connection with relations with China then called" Kalmak", the ethnic group" China". In the end the image of a worthy enemy of Manas-hero-of Konurbay was interpreted as a very dangerous way.

It is an indisputable fact that the epic" Manas "multi-layered, its traditional texts that come before us, have undergone great changes in the long" way". In the artistic form of the epic can be seen as legends and myths, and elements of the original feudal relations that retain their relationship with the original social and tribal structure. At all these stages, the seal is sealed in the minds of the people-the highest idea of good and truth. In order to clearly understand the process of formation and formation of the epic, it is necessary to consider the reasons associated with the fact on which historical, time boundaries it arose. Along with eponymy materials, a major role in discovering this problem playing Ethnography, archaeology, linguistics, anthropology associated with folk science. At the present stage of development of these Sciences it is difficult to argue whether the Kyrgyz lived in Central Asia or whether the Kyrgyz Tien Shan descendants of the ancient Kyrgyz on the territory of the Yenisei.

If we look superficially at some facts, conclusions, we get the following. For ethnogenetic reasons, the most powerful role in the formation of the Kyrgyz people belongs to the Central Asian element, there is an assumption that the anthropological type of the Kyrgyz has developed at the present time at the beginning of the 2nd year of our era.

"Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, various Altai groups of the population, belong to the South Siberian anthropological type", - the scientist writes.M.: The Zolotarev. Between the ancient Kyrgyz culture and the Central Asian Kyrgyz there is a large number of both material and spiritual community. For example, the Altai and Kyrgyz people revealed the similarity of folk traditions, folk games and medicine, musical instruments, crafts and oral works, as well as the presence of genera Munduz, doolos, Mughal, Merkit, Naiman, Kipchak in the Altai.

The epic" Manas " reflects real events, historical events related to the fate of the Kyrgyz people. The epic Manas is an encyclopedia, reflecting not only the history, life, traditions and customs of the Kyrgyz nation, but also an encyclopedia of the Kyrgyz spirit, reflecting the history of the spiritual world of the Kyrgyz, the Kyrgyz of the heart, the world, the knowledge of nature.

In this article we will try to reveal the influence of the epic on the literary work of related peoples.

The epic "Manas" is a unique contribution to the Treasury of world culture. It is also one of the rarest monuments of world poetry and a work of art created from the creative genius of the Kyrgyz people. The epic is a great lesson about the intellectual artistic world, life, soul and image of the Kyrgyz people, left for centuries for millennia, not to disappear, as evidenced by its kind, that it is a real addition of art, a treasure trove of ancestral finds, spiritual weapons, able to adapt to the ultimate interests of people, able to serve, change, absorb many things around the personal, not knowing

In conclusion, the trilogy "Manas" occupies a special place in the world Treasury of oral folk art. It can be assumed that many of his motives, images were formed in the era of the ancient Turks and had a genetic link with the traditions, customs and traditions of that distant period. Then the twin Nations became a separate nation, but preserved linguistic, cultural, folk community and is reflected in the oral folk literature.


  1. General provisions read More ... The main stages of the historical development of the epic "Manas". - Frunze, Science, 1981.
  2. Other Yakovleva L. V. Historical and geographical basis of the epic" Semetey " — Frunze: science, 1982.
  3. Other Yakovlev LV "Seytek" - the final part of the trilogy "Manas".- Frunze. Life in the regions 1984.
  4. Other "Manas" encyclopedia. Scientific propogandy business project "Muras" - Chief editorial Board of Kyrgyz encyclopedia. Volume II. - B.: 1995.
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