УДК 613.26:577.161.19

Study of carotenoid dietary supplements that affect retinal health

Нуралы Асия Мамбеткызы – докторант Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби; лектор Алматинского технологического университета.

Мутушев Алибек Жумабекович – докторант Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби.

Айтжан Ментай Улдаханкызы – докторант Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби.

Джуманова Райгуль Жумахановна – докторант Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби; лектор Алматинского технологического университета.

Abstract: The object of research is biologically active additives of plant origin. The aim of the work is to create biologically active additives of plant origin that are highly effective and safe for living organisms .Scientific research on the production of a complex of zeaxanthin and lutein, sulfofaran with an antioxidant effect for the creation of new biologically active additives, comparison with existing analogues was carried out. The process of obtaining samples of biologically active additives based on plant raw materials by the physical method of conservation is shown .

Аннотация: Объектом исследования являются биологически активные добавки растительного происхождения. Целью работы является создание биологически активных добавок растительного происхождения, обладающих высокой эффективностью и безопасных для живых организмов. Проведены научные исследования по производству комплекса зеаксантина и лютеина, сульфофарана с антиоксидантным действием для создания новых биологически активных добавок, сравнение с существующими аналогами. Показан процесс получения образцов биологически активных добавок на основе растительного сырья физическим методом консервирования.

Keywords: dietary supplement, efficacy and safety, non-toxicity, retinal protection, antioxidant, macula.

Ключевые слова: пищевая добавка, эффективность и безопасность, нетоксичность, защита сетчатки, антиоксидант, макула.


Biologically active additives (BAA) are concentrates of natural substances isolated from plant and animal raw materials (including marine ones), mineral, vegetable origin, or substances obtained by chemical synthesis that are identical to their natural counterparts.Mostof them have therapeutic and preventive properties, if they enter the body in certain quantities, proportions and combinations. Dietary supplements do not work instead of the body's systems, but eliminate the lack or excess of any compoundsin the human body. The use ofdietarysupplements allows you to gradually restore the body without harming it, without the devastating side effects that are characteristic of many drugs [1].They are used as an additional source of food and biologically active compounds, to improve the metabolismandfunctional stateof organs and systems [2]. Dietary supplements, as well as dosage forms, are produced in the form of capsules, tablets, balms, extracts, tinctures (with alcohol), infusions (without alcohol), creams, dry and liquid concentrates, etc.From dietary supplements should be distinguished taste-, color-and shape-forming food additives that do not replenish the reserves of nutrients in the body, but serve to improve the taste, appearance and safety of food products [3] .

Classification of food additives

There are different classifications of dietary supplements depending on their composition and physiological action, as well as methods of preparation and form of release of dietary supplements, and therefore all classifications of dietary supplements are very conditional.

  1. Vitamins
  2. Minerals
  3. Amino acids
  4. Sports nutrition
  5. Essentialfattyacids
  6. Probiotics

Synthetic dietarysupplements differ from natural ones by their origin .Syntheticdietary supplements may contain trans-isomers that are not present in natural raw materials, to which the enzyme systems of the human body cannot react correctly [4-6].

Mechanisms of action and research methods of dietary supplements

Dietary supplements are made from natural raw materials and contain all the missing elements in our daily diet in strictly defined proportions. With biologically active additives from plant raw materials, the body receives not only the necessary substances A and B, but also a regulatory mechanism that helps these substances to be absorbed and balance out. In this regard, the therapeutic and preventive effectiveness of dietary supplements is high, although in their essence they are not medicines. In practice, dietary supplements have no contraindications, because they are food .The only contraindication for each individual may be individual intolerance or high sensitivity to any component [5] .

One of the most important factors determining the state of health of the population is a balanced diet, which is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of a healthy body, creates conditions for physical and mental development, maintains high performance, contributes to the prevention of diseases and increases the efficiency of the body. withthe ability to resist the influence of unfavorable environmental factors [7-9].

Organic compounds from plant raw materials for the production of dietary supplements

The function of carotenoids in the retina. Both the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are responsible for two functions: filtering the blue part of the light spectrum and antioxidant action. Photoreceptors are very sensitive to the energy-rich blue part of the visible spectrum [10]. The chemical properties of lutein and zeaxanthin allow carotenoids to absorb blue light. They are located in the retina between incident light and photoreceptors, so they can be called "inner sunglasses". In addition, the light-facing photoreceptor membrane contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids and is therefore subject to oxidative stress with the formation of highly reactive oxygen species ("free radicals"). With a good blood supply (hence a good oxygen supply) and strong illumination, the retina provides an ideal environment for the production of highly active oxygen forms. In this regard, the mechanisms of antioxidant protection are of particular importance. Both mechanisms - protecting the retina from blue light and free radicals - can reduce retinal damage throughout life and thus reduce the risk of developing degenerative diseases (such as AMD ). Accordingly , the , retinal carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are thought to play an important role in preventing age-related degenerative eye diseases [10-15]. This theory has now been confirmed by animal studies. Human studies and retinal pigment density. In human studies, the following parameters were evaluated.

Material and methods

Starting material for obtaining the zeaxanthin complex. Lutein is used in the grain of annual corn of the early-maturing hydrid variety. The raw materials are crushed and then placed in a porcelain cup. The crushed raw materials are poured with liquid nitrogen and quickly ground with a porcelain pestle to obtain a frozen powder, if necessary adding liquid nitrogen as it evaporates. Frozen vegetable raw materials are transferred to pre-prepared vials for subsequent freeze-drying using a freeze-dryer . 96% ethyl alcohol is added to the finished lyophilizate of corn grains to extract carotenoid pigments containing a complex of zeaxanthin and lutein . In this case, the calculation for 1 g of lyophilizate is used-12 ml of ethanol. After that, the solution is evaporated under vacuum until the ethyl alcohol is completely removed. The result is a complex of zeaxanthin and lutein [16] .Corn grains are rich in vitamins: PP, E, D, K, B vitamins В (B1, B2), as well as ascorbic acid. The carotenoid complex of zeaxanthin and lutein was obtained, as well as the carotenoid fractions and chemical composition of plant raw materials - grains of annual corn of early-maturing hybrid varieties-were studied . The preliminary composition of the carotenoid complex of zeaxanthin and lutein was determined . Five different hybrids were studied to determine the range of differences in vitamin content.


Figure 1. Zeaxanthin-lutein complex , obtained from the grain of annual maize of the early-maturing hydrid variety.

Samples of the zeaxanthin and lutein complex based on plant raw materials-corn - were obtained in the laboratory (Figure 1).Thus, we found that different corn hybrids have different chemical compositions. The table shows that the carotenoid composition is completely different; the best results were recorded in the Druzhba C hybrid; the content of zeaxanthin and lutein was 30.2 mg / kg and 0.71 mg/kg, respectively; the lowest amount of carotenoids was observed in the golden cob hybrid; their content was 19.5 and 0.23 mg / kg, respectively [17].


Currently, for the majority of the population of Kazakhstan, the problem of food fortification with biologically activead ditivesis very relevant, due to the general deterioration of the environment and the hars htechnology of food processing. The human body is often not able to adapt to sufficiently rapid changes in the conditions of its existence, which negatively affects the health of the population. Therefore, in the context of the problems under consideration, products produced by traditional medicine, as well as dietary supplements aimed at strengthening and maintaining health and a healthy lifestyle, are of particular interest. A physico-chemical study of the feedstock and a study of the literature data show that the antioxidant function of lutein and zeaxanthin is the ability to capture waste products.пcontrol oxygen molecules and reduce their aggressive effects on the body. Sulforaphane is an activator of cell renewal, helping to activate genes that produce antioxidants to remove dangerous free radicals from the body. The chemical composition of various corn hybrids was studied. A method of freeze drying of vegetable raw materials has been developed. The most suitable dosages of vegetable raw materials for adding biologically active additives to the formulation are selected.


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