УДК 316.6

On the question of forming a methodological basis for the prevention of negative manifestations in the youth environment at the regional level

Тютин Евгений Витальевич – студент Института общественных наук и массовых коммуникаций Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета

Научный руководитель Мусаелян Елена Николаевна – доцент Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета

Abstract: The article is devoted to the formation of a methodological base for the prevention of negative manifestations in the youth environment at the regional level. The relevance of this topic is due to the active change in the social situation in recent years, as well as the need to create conditions for the healthy development of young people. One possible approach to solving this problem is to use an effective communication strategy. Young people face many difficulties, the cause of which may be both a lack of information and a problem with respect for social norms and values. Prevention of negative manifestations in the youth environment is of great importance, both for the youth themselves and for society as a whole. The methodological basis for the prevention of negative manifestations in the youth environment is based on ideas about socio-psychological problems that arise in this environment.

Keywords: youth environment, extremism, terrorism, methodological basis, preventive actions.

To date, the prevention of extremism and terrorism among young people in the world and in Russia is given considerable attention by various government agencies, scientists, public and religious figures. A lot of research has been devoted to this problem. But there is actually no direct methodological basis for carrying out preventive activities among the youth to prevent the spread of extremism and terrorism, which significantly complicates the conduct of preventive activities among the youth. This fact of the absence of a methodological base is explained by the fact that youth extremism in modern realities is a new phenomenon and, accordingly, a full-fledged methodological base has not yet been formed.

It should be noted that the problem of the methodological content of activities to prevent extremism, terrorism and other negative manifestations among the youth has received reflection in modern Russian science. As an example of such understanding, it is necessary to cite the materials of the portal "National Center for Information Counteraction to Terrorism and Extremism in the Educational Environment and the Internet" [2], the material of the portal "Science and Education against Terror" [5].

Turning to the consideration of the reflection of the designated problem at the regional level, it should be noted that the formation of a methodological base for the prevention of extremism and terrorism among the youth is carried out by the "Center for Religious Studies and the Prevention of Extremism" of the Social and Theological Faculty. Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Macarius (Bulgakov) of the Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications of the Belgorod State National Research University. Analyzing the activities of this "Center", it seems possible to characterize its existing and future developments on the formation of a methodological base for the prevention of extremism and terrorism among young people.

As the first component of the methodological framework for ensuring activities to prevent asocial and extremist manifestations among students of a modern university, it is necessary to include several types of methodological materials developed by the Center and under development for organizers and participants in the educational process.

Preventive presentations should be included in a separate group of such methodological materials, which make it possible to most clearly and effectively explain to students the harm of various negative manifestations in the modern youth environment. Among the preventive presentations announced by the "Center", examples include such preventive presentations as "Prevention of negative manifestations in the student environment", "Prevention of Islamism and Islamophobia among the youth", "Prevention of negative manifestations in the youth environment" (for students with disabilities health), "Prevention of neo-Nazism and radical anti-fascism among the youth", "Prevention of cybersuicides and columbineism among the youth", "Prevention of religious destruction and religious extremism among the youth", "Prevention of insulting the feelings of believers and inciting religious hatred among students" , "Terrorism and extremism: responsibility and consequences", "Prevention of inciting ethnic hatred among students", "Prevention of the spread of youth countercultures among students".

The next group of preventive methodological materials is a variety of preventive memos, thanks to which students can briefly get acquainted with the main threats posed by modern negative manifestations in the youth environment and various options for potential liability for illegal actions in this area. Among the preventive memos announced by the "Center", examples include such preventive memos as "Terrorism and extremism in Russia are prohibited by law!" (for foreign students), "Prevention of the spread of political extremism among the youth", "Prevention of the publication of prohibited symbols in social networks of the Internet."

Also an important group and a promising area of activity of the "Center" is the development of methodological manuals for the organizers of the educational process at the university on the topics: "Preparation of a thematic presentation on the prevention of terrorism and extremism among students", "Information flash mob – a means of preventing extremism and terrorism in a student group" , "Prevention of extremism and terrorism in a student group: types, forms, content", "Internet information resources for the prevention of extremism and terrorism among students", "Peculiarities of activities for the prevention of extremism and terrorism in a student group: age, citizenship, direction of study ”, “Timely prevention of student involvement in extremist and terrorist communities: types, signs, activity algorithm”.

In addition, in the spring of 2018, the employees of the Center developed and tested such measuring and preventive methodological material as a questionnaire for first-year student activists, aimed at determining the level of information security and protection of university students from terrorist and extremist manifestations.

As the second component of the methodological framework for ensuring activities to prevent asocial and extremist manifestations among students of a modern university at the regional level, it is necessary to include the development of directly preventive measures for organizers and participants in the educational process.

Among such preventive measures carried out by the above-mentioned "Center for Religious Studies and Prevention of Extremism", the most effective is the preventive measure on the topic: "Prevention of Islamism and Islamophobia among the students" for the student asset of the first years of the university. The development and improvement of methodological tools for this event was carried out by the employees of the "Center" during the 2017-2018 academic year. As a result, it was this preventive measure that showed the greatest effectiveness in the activities of the "Center" for the prevention of negative manifestations in the youth environment.

The next methodological element of the activities carried out by the "Center" for the prevention of negative manifestations in the youth environment is the holding of thematic round tables. So, for example, in 2018, the staff of the center, together with students, as well as with other student associations, held round tables on the topics: “The role of student volunteer associations in the prevention of extremism among students”, “Islam is not terrorism!”, "Organization of volunteer work for the prevention of extremism among students", "Prevention of neo-Nazism and radical anti-fascism among the youth." A distinctive positive feature of this type of preventive measures is the exchange of experience between various student associations and, as a result, the involvement of the most active students in preventive activities.

Another effective means of exchanging experience in preventing the spread of negative manifestations among the youth at the regional level is, carried out by the "Center", the annual interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Theory and practice of preventing modern religious radicalism and extremism" on the basis of the Socio-Theological Faculty. Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Macarius (Bulgakov) of the Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications of the Belgorod State National Research University. Both specialists who study the problem of negative manifestations in the youth environment and the students themselves take part in this event.

The penultimate methodological tool for the prevention of extremism and terrorism among young people is participation in various thematic competitions held by state and public organizations. For example, the Center is preparing a video for participation in the festival of social videos “I am against extremism”, held by the National Center for Information Counteraction to Terrorism and Extremism in the Educational Environment and the Internet. This methodological tool, on the one hand, unites students in the framework of collective creative activity. And, on the other hand, when preparing a video, students are more imbued with the importance of activities to prevent negative manifestations in the youth environment.

The final methodological tool for the prevention of extremism and terrorism among the youth is, developed and implemented by the "Center", is to conduct advanced training courses for the organizers of the educational process at the university under the additional professional advanced training program "Prevention of youth inter-confessional and ideological extremism". Thanks to these courses, the organizers will learn in more detail the current trends, means and methods for preventing negative manifestations in the youth environment.

Thus, based on the foregoing, we can say that at the regional level, activities to prevent negative manifestations in the youth environment are of great importance. Moreover, in modern Russia, methodological developments for the prevention of extremism and terrorism have begun to appear at the regional level, which will make it possible in the next few years to have a significant impact on the formation of an effective preventive methodological base.


  1. Khaustov V.V. Pedagogical work with youth: theory, methodology, practice. - Moscow: Academy. 2019. – 328 p.
  2. National Center for Information Counteraction to Terrorism and Extremism in the Educational Environment and the Internet. [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://нцпти.рф.
  3. National Plan of Action for Children for 2018-2027 [Electronic resource]. – URL: https://unicef.ru/ru/dokumenty/natsionalnyy-plan-deystviy-po-detam-na-2018-2027-gody.
  4. Smirnov O.Yu., Karpunin D.F., Khashiev R.Kh. Theory and methods of social work with youth. – Rostov on Don: Phoenix. 2014. – 240 p.
  5. Science and education against terror. [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://scienceport.ru.
  6. Strategy for the development of state youth policy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/71791077/.

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