УДК 004.89

Machine learning based recommendation system for e-commerce store

Система рекомендаций на основе машинного обучения для интернет-магазина

Қозмет Назерке Ералықызы – магистрант Казахстанско-Британского технического университета (Республика Казахстан, Алматы).

Abstract: In this study, we propose a deep learning-based recommender system for H&M, a global clothing retailer, with the goal of enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction by providing personalized recommendations. Our approach combines candidate generation, based on items frequently bought together and previously purchased by customers, with a neural network-based critic model to capture complex relationships between customer purchase histories and item features. We utilize a dataset from Kaggle containing customer metadata, item descriptions, and transaction records. Rigorous data preprocessing steps, including handling missing values, embedding categorical features, transforming variables, and exploding rows, were performed to improve data quality and prepare the dataset for model training. The proposed recommender system achieved an F1 score of 0.79, demonstrating its effectiveness in predicting customer preferences and providing accurate recommendations. Furthermore, we explored the use of an NLP-based approach employing BERT embeddings to leverage textual information present in item descriptions and user histories, which resulted in enhanced model performance. Despite the strong results, future work could investigate alternative candidate generation techniques, more sophisticated feature representations, different deep learning architectures, and the integration of user feedback or external information sources. Overall, our research demonstrates the potential of deep learning techniques for retail recommender systems and their ability to improve customer satisfaction through personalized recommendations.

Аннотация: В этом исследовании мы предлагаем рекомендательную систему на основе глубокого обучения для H&M, глобального ритейлера одежды, с целью повышения вовлеченности и удовлетворенности клиентов путем предоставления персонализированных рекомендаций. Наш подход сочетает в себе генерацию кандидатов, основанную на товарах, которые часто покупаются вместе и ранее приобретались покупателями, с моделью критики на основе нейронной сети для фиксации сложных взаимосвязей между историями покупок клиентов и характеристиками товаров. Мы используем набор данных от Kaggle, содержащий метаданные клиентов, описания элементов и записи транзакций. Для улучшения качества данных и подготовки набора данных для обучения модели были выполнены строгие этапы предварительной обработки данных, включая обработку пропущенных значений, встраивание категориальных признаков, преобразование переменных и развертывание строк. Предлагаемая рекомендательная система получила оценку F1 0,79, демонстрируя свою эффективность в прогнозировании предпочтений клиентов и предоставлении точных рекомендаций. Кроме того, мы исследовали использование подхода на основе NLP с использованием встраивания BERT для использования текстовой информации, присутствующей в описаниях предметов и историях пользователей, что привело к повышению производительности модели. Несмотря на хорошие результаты, в будущей работе можно было бы исследовать альтернативные методы генерации кандидатов, более сложные представления функций, различные архитектуры глубокого обучения и интеграцию отзывов пользователей или внешних источников информации. В целом, наше исследование демонстрирует потенциал методов глубокого обучения для рекомендательных систем розничной торговли и их способность повышать удовлетворенность клиентов с помощью персонализированных рекомендаций.

Keywords: deep learning, recommender system, H&M, retail, personalization, candidate generation, critic model, data preprocessing, customer satisfaction.

Ключевые слова: глубокое обучение, рекомендательная система, H&M, розничная торговля, персонализация, генерация кандидатов, модель критики, предварительная обработка данных, удовлетворенность клиентов.


In today's digital age, e-commerce has become an integral part of consumers' lives [1]. The increasing popularity of online shopping has led to the development of personalized recommendation systems that provide users with personalized suggestions based on their preferences and interests [2]. These systems have transformed the way users interact with e-commerce platforms, enabling them to discover products they might not have otherwise encountered [1]. Personalized recommendation systems aim to provide tailored recommendations to users by analyzing their past behavior and preferences using machine learning algorithms [3]. The two primary types of recommendation systems are content-based and collaborative filtering [2].

Content-based recommendation systems rely on product attributes such as category, genre, or keywords to make recommendations to users [4]. Collaborative filtering, on the other hand, depends on the preferences of other users to generate recommendations [2]. Collaborative filtering can be further divided into user-based and item-based approaches. A well-known algorithm used in recommendation systems is the Implicit Alternating Least Squares (ALS) algorithm, which is efficient for large datasets with sparse interactions [5]. The ALS algorithm uses matrix factorization to create user and item embeddings, which are used to predict user-item interactions. Other machine learning techniques like neural networks, decision trees, and clustering algorithms can also be used for recommendation systems [6].

However, recommendation systems face the "cold start" problem, where they lack information about new users or products, leading to inaccurate recommendations [7]. Hybrid approaches that combine different techniques or use external data sources such as social media activity or user demographics can address this problem [8]. Moreover, selecting an appropriate evaluation metric like precision, recall, or mean average precision (MAP) is essential to measure system performance accurately [9].

The significance of recommendation systems in e-commerce has increased as the number of users and products grows [1]. However, handling large-scale data poses challenges. To address this, big data technology offers effective solutions for processing massive datasets using cloud computing. MapReduce and Apache Hadoop have become essential tools for handling large-scale data using cloud resources. Researchers have explored implementing collaborative filtering algorithms like user-based and item-based within the MapReduce framework on the Hadoop platform to improve scalability and efficient concurrent processing [10][11].

The application of recommendation systems in e-commerce has been extensively researched and implemented. For instance, Amazon achieved a 20% to 30% sales boost through item-based collaborative filtering recommendation systems [12]. Additionally, researchers have investigated how recommendation systems help increase sales on e-commerce websites and analyzed their implementation on several market-leading platforms [13].

Personalized recommendation systems have become a crucial technology for businesses seeking to provide customized recommendations to their users. The ALS algorithm is a popular method for generating recommendations in large datasets with sparse interactions, but other machine learning techniques can also be used [5]. Evaluation metrics like precision, recall, and MAP are vital for accurately assessing system performance [9]. As e-commerce continues to grow, recommendation systems will play an increasingly important role in providing consumers with personalized and relevant recommendations [1][2].

Methodology and Experiment

Dataset Description

We use the H&M dataset from Kaggle, which contains data from H&M Group, a family of brands with 53 online markets and approximately 4,850 stores. The dataset consists of three files: articles.csv, customers.csv, and transactions_train.csv. articles.csv contains detailed metadata for each article_id available for purchase, including product_code, product_type, graphical_appearance_no, colour_group_code, department_no, index_code, index_group_no, section_no, garment_group_no, and detail_desc. customers.csv contains metadata for each customer_id in the dataset, including FN, Active, club_member_status, fashion_news_frequency, age, and postal_code. transactions_train.csv contains the training data, consisting of the purchases each customer made for each date, as well as additional information such as article_id, price, and sales_channel_id. Duplicate rows correspond to multiple purchases of the same item.

Table 1. Sample data of pre-processed dataset.








[19306, 33713, 33956, 8206, 40984, 19306...

[74624, 71417, 4174, 78791, 59394...

[19306, 33713, 33956, 8206, 40984…




[19306, 33713, 33956, 8206, 40984, 19306…

[74624, 71417, 4174, 78791, 59394...

[19306, 33713, 33956, 8206, 40984…




[19306, 33713, 33956, 8206, 40984, 19306…

[74624, 71417, 4174, 78791, 59394...

[19306, 33713, 33956, 8206, 40984…




[6377, 46256, 46257, 46254, 6376, 6690…

[19289, 629, 46623, 2546, 40841, 40840…

[6377, 46256, 46257, 46254, 6376, 6690…




[17133, 41557, 35765, 17127, 35763...

[42665, 34830, 51721, 17134, 68107, 17132...

[17133, 41557, 35765, 17127, 35763, 47370…




[17133, 41557, 35765, 17127, 35763...

[42665, 34830, 51721, 17134, 68107, 17132...

[17133, 41557, 35765, 17127, 35763, 47370…



Data Preprocessing

In this study, we performed several data preprocessing steps to clean and transform the H&M dataset before feeding it into our recommender system. The preprocessing steps include handling missing values, feature embeddings, data transformation, and exploding rows results of which you can see in Table 1. The following subsections provide a detailed explanation of each step:

  1. Handling Missing Values

We began by inspecting the dataset for missing values, such as nulls or NaNs, in features like age. To handle these missing values, we employed different strategies depending on the nature of the feature and the proportion of missing data:

  • Impute missing values with the mean, median, or mode of the feature.
  • Use a model-based imputation technique, such as k-Nearest Neighbors or regression.
  • For categorical features, introduce a new "unknown" category to represent the missing values.
  • Remove rows with missing values if they represent a small fraction of the dataset and their removal will not significantly impact the analysis.
  1. Feature Embeddings

To convert categorical features like item IDs, product types, and color groups into continuous-valued vectors, we employed embedding layers. These layers transform categorical variables into fixed-size embeddings that can be utilized by the neural network. We assigned separate embedding layers for each categorical feature and concatenated them as necessary.

  1. Data Transformation
  • Some features in the dataset required transformation to be more suitable for analysis. We performed the following transformations:
  • Normalize continuous features, such as age and price, to ensure they have similar scales and do not disproportionately affect the model's performance. We applied min-max normalization or standardization (z-score) as appropriate.
  • Convert categorical features with multiple levels into one-hot encoded representations or use target encoding when the number of categories is large.
  1. Exploding Rows

In the transactions data, some rows contain multiple purchases of the same item by a customer. To better capture the relationship between the items and the customers, we exploded these rows, creating separate rows for each item purchase. This step allows us to better understand the frequency and co-occurrence of item purchases, which is useful for candidate generation and model training.

After completing these preprocessing steps, we obtained a clean and transformed dataset, which we then used as input for our recommender system. The preprocessing techniques improved the quality of the input data, allowing our models to better capture the underlying relationships between customers and items.

Candidate Generation

Our proposed recommender system generates candidates from two sources: Items often bought together: We utilize the Apriori algorithm or other association rule mining techniques to discover frequently co-occurring items in the transaction data. These item pairs can be considered as candidate recommendations for users who have purchased one of the items in the pair. Items previously bought by the customer: To account for the customer's individual preferences, we also consider items previously purchased by the customer as potential candidates for recommendation.


Image 1. Architecture of our proposed method.

Critic Model using a Neural Network

The critic model is responsible for evaluating the candidates generated in the previous step. We implement a feedforward neural network (FNN) to serve as the critic model, which combines user history representation and candidate item features to predict whether a customer will like a candidate item or not. The FNN consists of an input layer, multiple hidden layers, and an output layer.

Input Layer and Embeddings

The input layer receives a fixed-size vector representing the user's purchase history and the candidate item features. To create the input vector:

Implement an embedding layer to convert item IDs into fixed-size continuous-valued vectors, referred to as embeddings. Obtain embeddings for each of the 25 previously bought items and the candidate item.

For additional item features, such as product_type, graphical_appearance_no, and colour_group_code, concatenated them to the corresponding item embeddings.

Compute the mean of the embeddings (or the combined embeddings with item features) of the 25 previously bought items to obtain a single fixed-size vector representing the user's history.

Concatenated the user history representation vector and the candidate item's embedding (or the combined embedding with item features) to form the input vector for the neural network.

Hidden Layers

The hidden layers of the FNN consist of multiple fully connected layers with activation functions such as Rectified Linear Units (ReLU) or Leaky ReLU. These layers enable the model to learn non-linear relationships between the input features and the target variable. The number of hidden layers and neurons per layer are hyperparameters that can be tuned during experimentation to achieve optimal model performance.

Output Layer and Activation Function

The output layer has a single neuron with a sigmoid activation function for binary classification (whether the customer will like the candidate item or not). The sigmoid activation function maps the output to a value between 0 and 1, representing the probability of the customer liking the candidate item.

Loss Function and Optimization Algorithm

We trained the neural network using backpropagation and an optimization algorithm such as Adam or RMSprop. Then used a suitable loss function like Binary Cross-Entropy to measure the difference between predicted scores and ground truth. Binary Cross-Entropy is a widely used loss function for binary classification tasks, as it quantifies the dissimilarity between the true class probabilities and the predicted probabilities.

Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning

During training, we used a validation set to monitor the model's performance and prevent overfitting. Then performed model selection and hyperparameter tuning using techniques such as grid search or random search with cross-validation. Experiment with different hyperparameters, including learning rate, batch size, number of hidden layers, neurons per layer, and embedding size, to find the best performing model for the specific problem.

After completing the training process, we evaluate the model on a test set using performance metrics like precision, recall, F1-score.

Recommender System Algorithm

Our proposed recommender system algorithm which is shown in Image 1. consists of the following steps: Generate candidates for each user by considering items often bought together and items previously bought by the customer. For each candidate item, create an input vector by combining the user's purchase history representation and the candidate item features. Pass the input vector through the trained critic model (FNN) to predict the probability of the customer liking the candidate item. Rank the candidate items based on their predicted probabilities. Select the top N (e.g., 10) most relevant candidates as the final recommendations for the customer.

Results and Discussion

In this study, we developed a recommender system for H&M using a deep learning-based approach that combined candidate generation and a critic model. After training and evaluating the proposed model, we obtained an F1 score of 0.79, which indicates a strong performance in predicting whether a customer will like a candidate item or not. The F1 score balances the trade-off between precision and recall, providing a more comprehensive evaluation of the model's performance compared to just using accuracy, especially when dealing with imbalanced datasets.

The high F1 score demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach in capturing the complex relationships between customer purchase histories and item features. By generating candidates based on items often bought together and items previously bought by the customer, we leveraged both global and individual user preferences, resulting in more accurate recommendations. Furthermore, the use of a neural network-based critic model allowed our system to learn non-linear patterns in the data and better evaluate the relevance of candidate items to each customer.

Our results also highlight the importance of data preprocessing, as handling missing values, embedding categorical features, transforming variables, and exploding rows significantly improved the quality of the input data, enabling our models to better capture the underlying relationships between customers and items.

Despite the strong F1 score, there is still room for improvement. Future work could explore alternative candidate generation techniques, incorporate more sophisticated user and item feature representations, or investigate other deep learning architectures, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) or attention mechanisms, to improve the model's performance. Additionally, incorporating user feedback or external sources of information, such as social media or product reviews, could further enhance the recommendations provided by our system.

Overall, the achieved F1 score of 0.79 demonstrates the potential of our deep learning-based recommender system for retail applications, such as H&M, and serves as a solid foundation for further research and development in this area.


In this research, we developed a deep learning-based recommender system for H&M, leveraging a combination of candidate generation and a critic model. Our approach utilized customer purchase histories and item features to generate personalized recommendations, resulting in an F1 score of 0.79. The success of our method demonstrates the potential of applying deep learning techniques to retail recommendation systems.

The data preprocessing steps, including handling missing values, embedding categorical features, transforming variables, and exploding rows, played a crucial role in improving the quality of the input data and enabling our model to capture the underlying relationships between customers and items effectively. Moreover, the exploration of an NLP-based approach using BERT embeddings further enhanced our model's performance by leveraging textual information present in item descriptions and user histories.

While our recommender system achieved a strong performance, there are still opportunities for improvement and further research. Future work could focus on alternative candidate generation techniques, incorporating more sophisticated user and item feature representations, investigating different deep learning architectures, and integrating user feedback or external information sources.

In conclusion, our study provides valuable insights into the application of deep learning methods for retail recommender systems and demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed approach for enhancing the shopping experience for H&M customers. We believe that the findings of our research have the potential to benefit not only H&M but also other retailers aiming to improve their customer engagement and satisfaction through personalized recommendations.


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