УДК 159.9

The impact of remote learning on the mental health of students

Татенова Асель Рустемовна – студент Евразийского национального университета.

Нармухаметова Назгуль Муратовна – магистр русского языка и литературы, старший преподаватель Евразийского национального университета.

Abstract: The pandemic caused by the virus has completely influenced all the spheres of life. Educational field is not an exception. The educational systems have been forced to change its traditional approach of teaching to online regime, and most of the schools and universities around the world are using different platforms and applications to study online for continuation of the teaching process. This reformed idea of online learning has become the norm for schoolchildren and students around the world.

Аннотация: Пандемия, вызванная вирусом, полностью повлияла на все сферы жизни. Образовательная сфера не является исключением. Образовательные системы были вынуждены изменить свой традиционный подход к обучению в режиме онлайн, и большинство школ и университетов по всему миру используют различные платформы и приложения для обучения в режиме онлайн для продолжения учебного процесса. Эта реформированная идея онлайн - обучения стала нормой для школьников и студентов во всем мире.

Keywords: education, students, online learning, mental health, influence.

Ключевые слова: образование, студенты, онлайн-обучение, психическое здоровье, влияние.

Undoubtedly, the sharp transition to online education has caused a mixed reaction. Schools and universities were not fully prepared for such changes in the process. Education involves more than just the process of transmitting and receiving information. The meaning of this term includes possible problems.

Lack of access to the Internet and a shortage of smartphones and computers, without which learning outside of school is impossible, are some of the main reasons of dissatisfaction not only among students and parents, but also among teachers. Due to the large network congestion, it is not always possible to work with educational portals. The level of quality of education in different countries has been more negatively influenced due to the above factors. [2]

The main problem lies not only in how much the quality of education has deteriorated under the influence of online learning, but also in its impact on the psychological state of students during the quarantine period. [2]

The congestion of the network is the reason for the poor Internet connection in many regions. This leads to problems of the perception of the material: first of all, information from teachers is difficult to perceive by ear due to a weak Internet connection of teachers or students. Thus, some of the material may not be heard at all. [3] What is important is the problem with devices such as computers, laptops, tablets, phones, because they differ in a wide range of functions. This means different energy consumption, memory, image and sound quality. Each student has a gadget with certain limited properties, which leads to uneven opportunities among students. [3]

Feeling isolated can add to the list of major disadvantages of online learning. Being in a certain place for a long period of time, without face-to-face communication in the real world, causes a feeling of detachment and isolation. [4]

All this leads to depletion of the nervous system, stress, anxiety disorders, instability of the emotional background.

The object of research: middle school students.

The subject of research: the psychological state of students during the period of study in the online format.

Research method: questioning, sociological survey.

Total number of respondents - 31.

In total, students were asked three questions.

  1. How satisfied are you with the transition to online education?

Of all the respondents, 10 students (32%) gave 5 and 6 points, while 19 students (61%) gave 3 points. A higher mark of 8 points was given by students, the number of whom was 2 (7%) of the number of respondents.

  1. Do you find stressful online learning?

Out of 31 respondents, 12 students (39%) gave an unequivocal answer that the transition to online learning had a neutral effect on their emotional state, while more than half of the students, 19 students (61%) answered that the situation with distance learning is quite stressful, explaining this by the poor quality of the network, a technical problem with computers or laptops and the lack of live communication with peers and teachers

  1. Do you think distance learning is more effective than the traditional one?

To this question, 29 people, which is 93% of the respondents, believe that traditional teaching is a more effective format, explaining this by the presence of the teacher in the classroom which causes full concentration of students. The remaining 2 students (7%) spoke in favour of online learning, emphasizing the possibility of quick access to the necessary Internet resources.

The survey revealed a significant percentage of students who consider distance education as a cause of stress, as well as less effective in comparison with traditional education. The move to online learning has increased the uncertainty and anxiety among students during the quarantine period. Being only an alternative option, distance learning influenced mainly negatively on the psychological state of students.

Список литературы

  1. Priyanka Gautam Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Learning [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://elearningindustry.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-online-learning .
  2. Ekaterina Soloveva Pluses and minuses of distant learning [Электронный ресурс]. - URL: https://mir24.tv/author/7548/soloveva_ekaterina/list/filter/all.
  3. Anna Kozkina Teachers and students about the problems of online learning [Электронный ресурс]. - URL: https://zona.media/article/2020/04/07/school.

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