"Научный аспект №2-2019" - Гуманитарные науки

УДК 398

The image of nomadic life in the epic "Manas"

Зулпуев Ашим Зулпуевич – кандидат филологических наук, доцент Ошского технологического университета.

Аннотация: В эпосе «Манас» даются подробные сведения о скотоводстве, которое было самым основным видом жизнедеятельности в кочевом образе жизни кыргызов. Именно скотоводство стало причиной названия многих видов блюд национальной кыргызской кухни, изобретения различных видов одежд, появления юрты, удобного раскладного дома кыргызов, географических названий.

Abstract: In the Manas epic, detailed information is provided on cattle breeding, which was the most basic type of activity in the nomadic way of life of the Kyrgyz. It was cattle breeding that caused the name of many types of dishes of the national Kyrgyz cuisine, the invention of various types of clothes, the emergence of a yurt, a convenient folding house for Kyrgyz, and geographical names.

Ключевые слова: Скот, домашний скот, скотоводство, традиция, обычай, скакун, пожертвование, кочевой народ.

Keywords: Cattle, livestock, cattle breeding, tradition, custom, horse, donation, nomadic people.

Before we talk about the description of the nomadic life of the Kyrgyz in the epic "Manas", it is necessary first to dwell on what is nomadic life, to give a definition. Nomadic life is a traditional way of life for people who are constantly changing their place to find food and livelihood. Unlike migrant workers who leave their place of residence and find temporary or permanent employment somewhere, migrants are constantly on the move. Three main categories of displaced persons can be identified. First, hunters and gatherers are looking for plants and mother. Secondly, these are cattle breeders, who usually bring cattle from one pasture to other pastures (janitors and gardeners) in the same place during the year. Thirdly, nomads engaged in handicraft or trade, and the Tuareg with the Gypsies, who constantly moved for trade or run a small artisan works (6, 135). Kyrgyz belong to the second category of the above. As you can see, the main direction of farming here is animal husbandry, so in our article we would also like to focus mainly on animal husbandry.

The Kyrgyz people know and appreciate cattle. Convenient for the nomadic life of the cattle was the main wealth for our people. According to him, currently there are about 20 thousand mosques in Kyrgyzstan, including madrasah, madrasah and madrasah. "At first the question of animals testifies. Because well-being and well-being depend on the well-being of animals. The population is considered to be one with beef. Our people do not spend well a man who beats (especially obliquely) cattle, which is considered to be calling for poverty. In the yard lies cattle. In the evening, when the animal got sick, it became white from the cow (milk, ayran, Mare's milk, etc.).b.(excluded in accordance with the law of the Kyrgyz Republic There is an opinion that the night of the white no need to ask, even the night will not be white to ask. If you need to remove it, he plucks the knives that burn into lime, and remove them. Or act issued, covering his face, not to see the moon, the star. They say a white man should wear white thread or cotton because there is a word that the act is justified. When issued cotton or threads, the owner of the house itself had to issue the act. Introduction of the act on the earth is also forbidden. The man who did not notice hit Akka and did not injure two shoulders. In our opinion, such a rite meant a confession of guilt in the Commission of the act (5, 58-59). Spilled milk that no one moved, not smoothed out or poovili. The act did not sell, the Kyrgyz considered milk as spring (grassy) water. The submitted act must be taken, orally, powered. According to him, this year a special Commission will be established in Kyrgyzstan to investigate the causes of the crash of the An-2 at the Moscow airport "Manas". This was done to ensure that the guest came with the idea and desire to whiten milky white, with a good mood. That grille to be sprayed all included in the snake house Snow white.

Everything that was necessary for nomads – both meat, and milk, and clothes, and things, and fuel gave cattle. Animal husbandry was one of the most important professions. In the epic pursuit of the vacant father James, the late mother of Mandiba, the son of Akimeka, came to Canimana and shouted that no one is looking:

Horses, sheep,

Flying in the fresh air.

Climbers and Housewives,

Flights with claims - (2, 19)

the Republic of Gyz. That is, we see that for the Kyrgyz people, whose painful, benevolent life of cattle breeders over these thousands of years has made it a profession, it would seem that he lives well.

As well as milk, meat products occupied an important place in the food of nomads. In the various good works of the murdered cattle. In the epic condition of the beloved Manas:

Dear family members!

The wedding started today.

This day Thursday,

Ninety killed the Mare.

"Tomorrow is Friday" - under this name,

In Petropavlovsk the presentation of the book about the Hero of the Soviet Union, the Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Ivanovich took place,

"Five hundred and fifteen autopsies»

After he gave the cattle, he said, "God."

The rate of two thousand men,

Happy birthday, Astana!

There is an opinion,

Price-1 ad.)

This tradition of once nomadic ancestors continues unabated in their present generations. At the end of any wedding, finally, will end with attraction. The cultivation and attraction of meat from the Kyrgyz has become a separate art.

In our language, the vocabulary shows what kind of animal the Kyrgyz breed. So, five full (in the epic it is said: "I collected cattle from five heifers") – five main types of animals in the Kyrgyz economy – horses, sheep, cows, mountains, goats. Most often the word "four full" means horse, sheep, cow, mountain. If five says it all, top four is added to the goat. In epic meet as four full, so and five full (4, 47). In the epic" Manas " the plot associated with the will of Kok-Zhangak, tells about the livestock profession of the Kyrgyz. As a result of deep attention to the large number of livestock and species composition of respected people whose fatherhood is far and far behind, we will witness how in the last century our ancestors kept animals such as horses, sheep, fatal mountains, cows, yaks. Based on the above, we can see an important role in the life of nomadic Kyrgyz, especially horses and sheep (1, 30). This is because the mountain was not met in every family, it was rarely killed in the most important cases of life: the rise of blood, the mass slaughter of the population, the return from Mecca. Secondly, the beef was not much liked by the Kyrgyz. No nomadic cattle are adapted to life, it is often looked after by the Kyrgyz, who moved to resettlement.

In the past nomadic times of the whole life of the Kyrgyz people was associated with the horse. At the age of three or four, children learned to ride horses, starting with a horse, sometimes before going. The Kyrgyz had a special kind of eer, designed for so-called distinctive children, which allowed training children to learn on horseback independently. EPMs has spent his entire life after thousands of years on horseback. In some cases, he died on horseback. He used horse power, drinking milk, Mare's milk, preferred meat. Went to the horse in the ravine, came to the horse, and escaped fugitive. According to him, the event was attended by the Plenipotentiary of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic amanbay kayypov, akim of Naryn district Tugolbay Zha. The horse was not a tribe of animals, even more than a woman-child. You can see that from some of our traditions and words before our ancestors treated horses on a par with people, they swore. So, in our language there is the word "horse boy", which is not used in relation to other cattle. The Kyrgyz themselves, often spoil their children "koulouma". In the name of the child ungulates also is not bitter hooves, and camel hoof of a horse. When a child begins to drip, we must remember that our people fell only on a horse. Sometimes elderly people say to each other or from the owner of the guest house: "do they have rich people?"or" horse race? he said, "does he have a son?". There's also a tradition of saying "forty horses" when a girl is born, and it's certainly interesting.

In conclusion, the epic "Manas" provides extensive information about the basic conditions of nomadic life of Kyrgyz cattle. This is an important industry that has not lost its place in the life of the Kyrgyz people-the creation of national food, clothing, the emergence of a Yurt where you could live when they grew and moved, and the name of a vast geographical area.A. A. Sukhomlinsky the reason was animal husbandry. As we showed at the beginning of our speech, we did not include the Kyrgyz in the second of the three main categories of nomads, during the year, usually in the same area, in the number of livestock breeders who bring cattle from one pasture to other pastures. Despite the fact that the Kyrgyz currently live, live in rural areas, cities, master other types of management, master science, culture, technology and new technologies, part of the population still retains some elements of nomadic life, thanks to traditional farming, animal husbandry.


  1. General provisions Zhaparov A. A. the Place of four animals in the will of kokotoy / epic "Manas" and the epic heritage of the peoples of the world: theses of the international Symposium. - B.: Kyrgyzstan, 1995.
  2. Manas: the heroic epic of the Kyrgyz people. S. S. version Orozbakova. Salt. In section: - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - B.: Khan-Tengri, 2010.
  3. Manas (S. Chaldybar) you Have Karaev. (in consultation.) Book II. - F. Kyrgyzstan, 1986.
  4. Epic Dictionary "Manas" / creators: E. A. Abdyldaev Akmataliev B. A. Sadykov, R. A. - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - Bishkek, 1995.
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