УДК 338.312

Advantages of using electronic document management technologies in the field of entrepreneurship in Russia

Семенов Алексей Александрович – студент кафедры бизнес-информатики и экономики Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования Владимирского государственного университета имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых.

Научный руководитель Ермолаева Лидия Дмитриевна – старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков профессиональной коммуникации Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования Владимирского государственного университета имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых.

Abstract: In the article, the author considers the technology of electronic document management. The application of EDI systems in organizations is described. The author considers the advantages that companies receive from the use of electronic document management in their activities. The characteristic of the current situation in the field of electronic document management in Russia is given.

Keywords: electronic document management, system, remote work, document, business.

The twenty-first century is associated with the dynamic growth of information and communication technologies. A large number of new developments are related to business. Some companies are engaged in the production of digital products that allow automating business processes through information and communication technologies, while other firms acquire these developments to optimize their business processes.

Currently, it is difficult to give an example of a sphere or a specific organization in which there would be no influence of digital inventions. Due to these measures, the processing speed of operations has increased, which allows companies with a high level of automation to scale and improve financial performance more efficiently than competitors which do not implement these technologies into the workflow.

One of the most popular examples of the use of information and communication technology products in business is the operation of electronic document management systems (EDI) at enterprises. The use of this tool facilitates the process of transferring information in an organization and allows firms to keep up with competitors.

Electronic document management is a system of processes for processing documents in electronic form [1]. The procedure for implementing the EDI functionality involves a gradual reduction in the transmission, storage and processing of information on paper.

The implementation of operations with documents through the electronic document management system allows you to speed up the decision-making processes and convey information to the departments of the organization. By transferring data over a computer network. The file with the necessary attachments is in use on the recipient's computer within one minute. The time depends on the network which the company implements its EDI system on [2].

Due to the fast delivery of documents between hardware devices, there is no need to physically carry documents and leave the workplace to employees. Due to this change, employees stop wasting time carrying papers.

The ability to connect electronic signatures in digital document management systems allows you to solve problems with documents related to the remote format of work. The implementation of this solution opens up the possibility for remote coordination and approval, decision-making in an organization with a large representation by country and region [3].

An important feature of EDI is the high degree of preservation of stored documents. Data loss in such a system is impossible if they have not been deleted or have not been saved. Electronic documents are not subject to physical wear due to external influences on them, since all files are stored digitally.

The storing of computer files does not always require large investments in hardware infrastructure to create storage. A large number of companies will have enough remote cloud storage systems from a reliable data service provider. Then the monthly cost of operating the EDI and the cost of sales will be reduced.

One of the most important advantages of electronic document management is the digital approval and revision process. The document can go through rounds of approval over the network and be promptly finalized upon receipt of edits and additions.

The usage of EDI will simplify the creation of new documents for all the employees. Due to the electronic document management systems, there is no need for ordinary employees to know the rules of registration and forms of all types of documents. This simplification is due to a set of EDO templates, the user will need to select the type of document that they plan to take as a basic one and the system will do all the design for them.

Import substitution processes, legislative initiatives and the transition of a number of companies to remote operation contributed to the development and dissemination of electronic document management systems in Russia. After the departure of services under sanctions from the country, domestic developments gained popularity. Examples of these systems are:

- Directum;


- 1-C-EDO;

- "The case." These platforms attract users by their accessibility during a period of geopolitical instability, favorable tariffs and ease of use.

Russian Government has set the goal for the final transition to office management in EDI systems from 2023 to 2025 [4]. This measure will reduce paper consumption and reduce the cost of storing information on physical media.

The growth of the popularity of electronic document management systems by enterprises carries its own risks for business, including:

- the risk of information leakage as a result of a hacker attack;

- the cost of training employees to use the EDI system;

- high implementation costs;

- difficulties with setting file access rights [5]. Companies providing software and departments of the customer organization of the system are able to deal with these problems.

In order to remain competitive, it is important for enterprises to quickly complete operational tasks, which will allow them to keep up with competitors. Electronic document management systems manage to optimize communication within an organization between its departments and help operational decision-making. EDI continues to develop as a technology in Russia, trying to take into account customer experience and needs, which increases the pace of adoption of electronic documents in business together with government initiatives.


  1. Electronic document flow between business entities // Federal Tax Service URL: https://www.nalog.gov.ru/rn77/related_activities/el_doc/el_bus_entities / (date of reference: 04/18/2024).
  2. Kopyrin A.S., Shatrova V.V. ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT (EDO). FEATURES OF USE // Bulletin of Science. 2021. No.6-1 (39). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/elektronnyy-dokumentooborot-edo-osobennosti-ispolzovaniya (date of application: 04/18/2024).
  3. Solovyanenko N. I. The legal significance of an electronic signature in the legal relations of electronic business // Colloquium-journal. 2020. No.8 (60). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/yuridicheskoe-znachenie-elektronnoy-podpisi-v-pravovyh-otnosheniyah-elektronnogo-biznesa (date of reference: 04/18/2024).
  4. Gilmullina, N. F. Advantages and possibilities of electronic document management in the economy / N. F. Gilmullina. — Text : direct // Young scientist. — 2022. — № 50 (445). — Pp. 104-106. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/445/97565 / (date of access: 04/18/2024).
  5. Sekletova N.N., Tuchkova A.S., Kalugina M.V. PROBLEMS OF TRANSITION OF ORGANIZATIONS TO EDO // Economics and Society. 2021. No.12-2 (91). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/problemy-perehoda-organizatsiy-na-edo (date of application: 04/18/2024).