УДК 338.12.017

Analysis of the number of business entities in Russia

Семенов Алексей Александрович – студент кафедры бизнес-информатики и экономики Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования Владимирского государственного университета имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых.

Научный руководитель Ермолаева Лидия Дмитриевна – старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков профессиональной коммуникации Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования Владимирского государственного университета имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых.

Abstract: In the article, the author examines the current situation in the field of entrepreneurship in Russia. The text highlights the dynamics of changes in the number of business entities in the country. The author explains the changes in the field of entrepreneurship. This article provides a brief assessment of the state of entrepreneurship in Russia.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, fixed assets, trend, growth rate, individual entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is an important component of the economic development and social progress of any state in a market economy. The favorable business environment is the determining criteria for assessing the economic activity and competitiveness of the country. The analysis of statistical indicators of entrepreneurship allows us to obtain an objective picture of trends in its development, to identify factors affecting the business environment.

The purpose of this scientific article is to analyze statistical indicators of entrepreneurship in Russia, identify the main trends, determine the dynamics of entrepreneurship development, and study the factors influencing business in the studied state.

The analysis of the main macroeconomic indicators characterizing the state of entrepreneurship in the country was carried out in the article. Many factors from related fields are taken into account: the legal and institutional environment, the availability of loans, tax policy and innovation activity, which can affect the development of entrepreneurship in Russia.

The results of this study will be able to describe the current situation in Russian business and identify business trends.

According to SPARK Interfax, a table has been compiled of the number of organizations engaged in entrepreneurial activity in Russia from 2019 to 2022. When considering this indicator, it is important to track the dynamics of the number of business entities.

Table 1. The number of organizations engaged in entrepreneurial activity in Russia in 2019-2023, millions


Number of organizations, millions

Absolute increase

Growth rate

Growth rate,


Increase rate,






















- 0,66

- 0,66





- 8%

- 8%



- 0,81

- 0,15









- 0,66






- 8%




- 0,30






- 4%


Source: Calculated by the author using SPARK Interfax data [1].

The number of organizations conducting entrepreneurial activities decreased by 300 thousand enterprises in absolute terms between 2019 and 2023 (Table 1). Over the past two years, the number of organizations engaged in entrepreneurial activities has increased by 500 thousand companies.

During the recession, the business faced quarantine restrictions in 2020, which most severely affected the areas of services, catering, education, slowed down the delivery process and required additional costs for personal protective equipment for employees [2].

The forms of entrepreneurship represented in the Russian Federation can be divided into groups: individual entrepreneurs; legal entities: joint stock companies, limited liability companies, partnerships, cooperatives, farms [3].

Millions of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities have been operating in Russia since 2016 (Figure 1) [4].


Figure 1. The number of actually operating entrepreneurs in the form of activity between 2016 and 2023

Over the past 7 years, the form of individual entrepreneurship has been more popular in Russian small and medium-sized businesses. During the study period, the absolute growth rate of the number of sole proprietors was 30%, the absolute growth rate of the number of legal entities over the same period was 15%.

The advantages of the individual form for entrepreneurs are:

- no need to compile accounting statements;

- free disposal of revenue;

- ease of scaling a business;

- ease of closing an organization [5]. These factors increase the popularity of working in the form of an individual entrepreneur for small and medium-sized businesses.

Analyzing the above indicators of the economy of the Russian Federation, it can be concluded that the number of registered organizations in Russia has increased after the recession of 2020 caused by the coronavirus pandemic, this fact indicates the return of the attractiveness of business conditions. The dominance of the number of sole proprietors over larger legal entities symbolizes the strengthening of the market economy in Russia and the improvement of conditions for small businesses. These conclusions may indicate the trend of sustainable existence of business development in Russia in a market economy.


  1. Russia Statistics // SPARK URL: https://spark-interfax.ru/statistics ?ysclid=lqy7a7uolu335009202 (date of reference: 01.01.2024).
  2. Amirkhanova P.M. ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN A PANDEMIC // Innovative economics: prospects for development and improvement. 2021. No.3 (53). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/predprinimatelstvo-v-usloviyah-pandemii (date of application: 01/16/2024).
  3. Mudunov A. S., Tsakhaeva K. N. Organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship // Issues of structuring the economy. 2006. No.1. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/organizatsionno-pravovye-formy-predprinimatelstva (date of application: 01/16/2024).
  4. Unified Register of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises // Federal Tax Service URL: https://ofd.nalog.ru/index.html (date of application: 04.01.2024).
  5. Grigorenko Gleb Alexandrovich, Andryushkin Alexander Gennadievich, Taranov Andrey Andreevich INDIVIDUAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY // Skif. 2022. No.7 (71). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/individualnoe-predprinimatelstvo-v-rossiyskoy-ekonomike (date of application: 01/16/2024).