УДК 002.304

The importance of the English language in the life of landscape design

Научный руководитель Марьясова Елена Анатольевна – кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и профессиональной коммуникации Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета.

Кобченко Вероника Ивановна – студент кафедры английской филологии и межкультурной коммуникации Института межкультурной коммуникации и международных отношений, кафедры английской филологии и межкультурной коммуникации Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета.

Шарун Анастасия Александровна – студент кафедры природопользования и земельного кадастра Института наук о Земле Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета.

Abstract: In this article, the authors consider the problem of the importance of the English language in the field of landscape design. The importance of language competence is indicated. The authors attempted to develop a methodology for teaching a foreign language in the context of landscape design.

Keywords: landscape architecture, English, professional terminology, international cooperation, communication.

The study of the significance of English in the life of landscape design has its relevance for several reasons.

Firstly, English is an international language of communication, especially in business and research. Landscape design involves working with clients, searching for and learning new trends, and communicating with colleagues and specialists from different countries. Knowledge of international language allows you to effectively develop international relations and expand your professional horizons.

Secondly, many important publications and scientific studies in the field of landscape design are available in English. Knowledge of foreign language allows you to keep abreast of the latest trends and new ideas in the field. Being an English-speaking landscape professional opens up opportunities to participate in international conferences, exchange experiences with colleagues from other countries and participate in global projects.

Finally, international language also plays an important role in education. Many landscape design textbooks, articles and materials are presented in global language. Knowledge of world language will help you access up-to-date information and deepen your knowledge of landscaping.

In this paper we consider the problem of the significance of English in the field of landscape design. It plays a dominant role in the field of landscaping spaces not only as a means of communication, gaining new knowledge and experience, but also as a factor influencing various aspects of a country's development, ranging from economic performance to international co-operation, innovation and attracting investment and tourists.

In this article we want to outline the importance of language competence, to support educational initiatives.

To conduct the research, we set the following tasks: to study the statistics on levels of international language proficiency in the Russian Federation; to study the influence of language skills on professional development; to develop a methodology for teaching a foreign language in the context of landscape design.

The representation of landscape architecture offers a broad exploration of how the designed landscape is and has been represented: for design studies, for criticism and even for its realization. We can only realize what we can imagine. But in order to realize, we must communicate ideas both to others and to ourselves. Representation is by no means neutral, and the process of communication, the process by which imagination takes its first form itself, the inevitably limits of our design possibility ranges. Computers further distance us from cognitive processes and raise new questions about methods and limitations. Written by a team of renowned practitioners and academics, this book [1] is the best reference available today on many aspects of landscape representation.

Language is one of the national characteristics of a country. Besides being a means of communication, language is also the pride of a nation. A state should use its national language as a pride source for the country. But along with the development of modern technology and science, it is becoming compulsory for us to learn foreign languages, especially English.

 English is the most common language in the world, so it has become an international language so it is easier for us to communicate. It becomes very important for interior design students because it will help them in social life, education and career, communicating with clients, working in big companies and promoting free trade involving different countries [2].

In order to assess the problem of learning foreign language levels, to understand the scale of its influence on the modern education of qualified specialists in the field of landscape architecture, it is necessary to know the statistic issues of knowledge of foreign languages in the Russian Federation, which is discussed in detail in the latest census of the Russian population: peoples and languages [3] and the study of EF Education First [4].

The article by A.S. Dzhumagalieva, which describes the use of words and gestures in the field of landscape design as a key aspect of communication in everyday life and in the institutional environment in the English language context [5], as well as the article by E.S. Danilova, Y.A. Drygina, T.V. Perutskaya, "Explication of landscape design trends by means of modern English language", where the main tools of English language are considered, will help us to understand human communication and language signs, which concentrate the results of human activity.

To emphasize the importance of learning English for landscape architects is an important task, which is clearly expressed in the article by G.A. Shor and A.R. Galiullina "The role of English in international cooperation of landscape architects" [7].

In order to assess the magnitude of the English language learning problems, it is necessary to have accurate, verified and, most importantly, objective information. In order to avoid bias in assessing the required criterion, statistical analysis - the activity of collecting and analyzing data to identify patterns and trends can be used.

The method of logical analysis allows us to draw conclusions about the present state of the phenomenon under study, confirmed by practice, and to predict the possible future on its basis. This process requires the use of logical rules of reasoning from general statements to specific conclusions, which implies the need for objectivity of the initial information, as well as a detailed understanding of the accumulated knowledge about the past and present phenomenon for their successful application. This approach can be considered successful for processing the necessary information and drawing conclusions on the topic of interest.

According to the 2020 census, only 3.7 per cent of Russians (about 5.31 million people) are native English speakers, and just over 1 per cent of citizens use English in their daily lives, which is extremely low. EF Education First's 2023 survey showed similar results. It involved 2.2 million people from 113 countries and Russia ranked 41st with an average level of language proficiency. This statistic makes it clear that this level of English language proficiency, which is recognized internationally, cannot ensure proper communication and cooperation between different countries, especially in narrowly focused professions where professional terminology plays a major role. So, in landscape architecture for a better understanding of the variety of methods and principles of planning, organization of garden and park objects, for proper implementation and presentation of their project, for international cooperation, for gaining new experience and knowledge from English-speaking sources, every landscape architecture specialist should know and master professional terminology in a foreign language. Based on these statistics, we can conclude that the low level of knowledge of international language hinders the development of landscape architecture.

For students who do not know the professional terminology in the field of landscape architecture in global language we have developed a method of teaching English in this specialty.

This methodology is intended for 1st and 2nd year students of higher education institutions studying in the direction of "Landscape Architecture".

The aim of the methodology is to develop the skills to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues and suppliers in world language. This will help them to successfully conduct projects internationally, expand their client base and improve their professional skills. The methodology emphasizes vocabulary development, grammar skills, the ability to write business letters and contracts, and the ability to negotiate in English.

The methodology is based on the use of specialized teaching material that allows students to learn cross-border language using terminology and concepts related to landscape design.

The methodology is organized thematically and includes ten sections, five of which cover the main areas of landscape architecture, and the next five sections cover the basics of business communication in a foreign language. Each of the first five sections contains one text related to the description of landscape architecture objects. Each of the following sections contains an example of a contract and a business letter. One section is designed for 8 academic hours.

Each section has an active vocabulary including specialized vocabulary from texts, contracts and business letters, as well as additional words recommended for active learning.

Students should use a specialized dictionary to translate texts. Exercises on texts are divided into lexical, grammatical and speech exercises.

Grammar theory is introduced by the teacher using available grammar reference books and textbooks. Grammar rules should be introduced and initially consolidated before reading texts.

Also, after the relevant section, students are given the opportunity to develop monologue and dialogic speech with the help of creative assignments such as: "Presentation of a landscaping object", "Picture a business meeting", "Write a business letter", etc.

To summarize, English offers a wide range of opportunities for learning, research and collaboration with the international design community. In today's world, where globalization is becoming more and more important, proficiency in foreign will help landscape designers to broaden their horizons, improve their competitiveness in the labor market and succeed in their careers. Active use of English in the professional sphere contributes to the transition from local to global level in the field of landscape design, enriching the exchange of knowledge and experience between specialists from different countries. We would also like to note that the methodology of teaching world language in the field of landscape architecture plays an important role in the formation of professional skills and competences of students. Effective use of specialized teaching materials, practical tasks and projects helps students to master the technical and professional vocabulary necessary for successful work in this field. It is necessary to continue to improve teaching methods, taking into account the specifics of the industry, to provide students with optimal conditions for mastering knowledge and skills in the field of landscape architecture in English. The introduction of modern teaching methods and taking into account the individual characteristics of students will allow to achieve the best results in the learning process.


  1. Representing Landscape Architecture Edited By Marc Treib.
  2. "The Importance of English Language Training for Landscape Design Professionals" by Jane R. McCormick.
  3. Russian Population Census - 2020: Peoples and Languages [Electronic resource] - Access:: https://mingitau.livejournal.com/353104.html .
  4. English can wait [Electronic resource]–Access: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6336106 .
  5. Dzhumagalieva A.C. Linguosemiotics of landscape design discourse (on the material of the English language): autoref. dis. .... Cand. of philological sciences : 10.02.04 / A.S. Dzhumagalieva. - Volgograd, 2014.- p 22.
  6. Danilova E.S., Drygina Y.A., Perutskaya T.V. Explication of landscape design trends by means of modern English language [Electronic resource] –Access: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/eksplikatsiya-tendentsiy-landshaftnogo-dizayna-sredstvami-sovremennogo-angliyskogo-yazyka .
  7. A. Shor, A.R. Galiullina "The role of the English language in international cooperation of landscape architects". [Electronic resource] –Access: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/rol-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-mezhdunarodnom-sotrudnichestve-landshaftnyh-arhitektorov