"Научный аспект №2-2019" - Гуманитарные науки

УДК 330.35.01

Features of economic development of Kyrgyzstan

Кадырбаева Айгерим Эрмекбаевна – преподаватель кафедры Экономики Ошского технологического университета.

Кайыпкулова Асел Сакмаматовна – преподаватель кафедры Экономики Ошского технологического университета.

Аннотация: Экономический рост является одной из наиболее важных характеристик экономической жизни любой страны мира. Поэтому важно знать, как достичь экономического роста, и найти оптимальные пути решения возникающих при этом проблем, всё это поможет лучше разобраться в экономике.

Abstract: Economic growth is one of the most important characteristics of the economic life of any country in the world. Therefore, it is important to know how to achieve economic growth, and find the best ways to solve the problems that arise at the same time, all this will help to better understand the economy.

Ключевые слова: Экономика, рост, разработка, достежение, проблема, государства.

Keywords: Economy, growth, development, achievement, problem, states.

Modern economic theory, economic growth is usually not understood, short-term rise and fall have a long-term time interval of production forces associated with the development of real production volumes, which have a natural value in relation to the volume of real production, and a long-term change in the natural level-on the real.

The parameters of economic growth and their dynamics will be widely used to characterize the development of national economies in the state regulation of the economy. The population, first of all, highly appreciates the activities of the highest economic and political institutions of a country based on the dynamics of economic growth, the dynamics of living standards. Economic growth, its pace, quality and other indicators largely depend not only on the potential of the National economy, but also on foreign economic and foreign policy factors [1].

The aim of the study is to identify the main causes of economic growth. The main objectives of the study are: to examine the nature of economic growth, its main indicators and types; to study the features of modern economic growth in Kyrgyzstan; to study the trends and prospects of economic growth in Kyrgyzstan ; to analyze the rate of economic growth in Kyrgyzstan.

Under the influence of all the major problems of socio-economic development in society is recognized the entire honeymoon the need to strengthen the regulatory role of the state economy, as well as economic policy in order to link the interests of all people. In connection with the creation of a system of macroeconomic regulation, final consumption and the accumulation of economic growth in the future of projected incremental calculations, their characteristics, assistance in the expansion of reproduction and evaluation of current processes.

Since the 90s of the last century, in the "socialist bloc", including the period of fundamental reforms in the economy, Kyrgyzstan has begun to create an economic system based on market principles. During this period, complex socio-economic processes, including the crisis in the economy, characterize the so-called «transition». In the course of the reform, there are both objective and subjective reasons for the gaps [2]. The first years of independence were especially difficult.

The fact is that in the Soviet period, when the economy of Kyrgyzstan is highly developed, it can enter the upper integrated Soviet economy. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to the disruption of economic relations between the republics and demanded at least partial restoration, as well as the establishment of economic relations with other countries of the world. This required decisive economic reforms.

The Kyrgyz Republic has chosen a strategic way of building an economic system based on market principles. As such, the first among the CIS countries was the moratorium on the introduction of a floating exchange rate of the national currency (1993), the entry into the world trade organization (WTO) (1998), the abolition of private ownership of land (1998), the high rate of purchase and sale of land (2000), the privatization of which is indisputable proof of the above. Currently, the Kyrgyz Republic is a model of an open small economy. In this work, over the years of reforms, an attempt was made to analyze the development of the country's economy and identify some features of this process. Special attention will be paid to the development of economic sectors and their role in ensuring economic growth.

Kyrgyzstan has exhausted its previous sources of economic growth. It is necessary to use new and diversified driving forces that can ensure sustainable economic growth.

The opposite effect of poverty reduction on economic growth should also be noted. One of the most important barriers to increasing investment in the Kyrgyz economy is the narrowness of the domestic market due to the low living standards of the majority of the population. Poverty reduction means at the same time an increase in domestic demand for domestic products, which creates a much greater potential for economic growth.

To create these new engines-the most favorable investment climate, stimulating growth, aimed at creating the necessary deep structural reforms of growth, increasing the export intensity and competitiveness of domestic goods.

It should be noted that further steps towards stabilization, that macroeconomic stabilization itself will be eliminated, sustainable economic growth; the economy needed for structural reforms, where stabilization measures should stand. Only economic growth to date has recently contributed to poverty reduction.


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