УДК 5.8.2

International Olympiads in foreign languages as a technological regulator for improving the quality of the educational process

Семыкина Вероника Олеговна – кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры Иностранных языков Военного учебно-научного центра Военно-воздушных сил Военно-воздушная академия имени профессора Н. Е. Жуковского и Ю. А. Гагарина.

Ларина Татьяна Владимировна – доктор педагогических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой Иностранных языков Военного учебно-научного центра Военно-воздушных сил Военно-воздушная академия имени профессора Н. Е. Жуковского и Ю. А. Гагарина.

Романчук Марина Геннадьевна – преподаватель Воронежского государственного технического университета.

Abstract: This article delves into the quintessential issues of the significance and universality surrounding the implementation of foreign language olympiads, with a particular focus on the augmentation of the quality of the educational process within higher academia. It underscores the paramount and primordial nature of fostering a comprehensive linguistic foundation for prospective erudite specialists in light of the prevailing transitional milieu vis-à-vis the modernized standards within higher education. In this vein, the higher military institution must strive for a harmonious and calibrated development, incessantly refining its educational endeavors and pedagogical trajectory, all while steadfastly upholding its cherished humanistic traditions and unwaveringly nurturing a culture of innovation and creativity.

Аннотация: Данная статья освещает ключевые вопросы значимости и универсальности проведения олимпиад по иностранному языку в ракурсе улучшения качества образовательного процесса в высшей школе. Подчеркивается приоритетный характер значимости фундаментальной языковой подготовки для будущих высококлассных специалистов. в сложившихся переходных условиях на модернизированные образовательные стандарты высшего образования, высшая военная школа должна гармонично развиваться и совершенствовать свою образовательную деятельность и учебный процесс, поддерживая гуманистические традиции и творческий характер.

Keywords: education, olympiad, significance, development, improvement, foreign language, higher education, preparation, priorities.

Ключевые слова: образование, олимпиада, значимость, развитие, совершенствование, иностранный язык, высшая школа, подготовка, приоритеты.

A significant stimulating factor for improving the quality of the educational process for cadets of military universities is the expansion of the scope of fundamental training, the priority component of which is the cognitive process that consistently stimulates the adaptation of a military specialist in various circumstances of professional activity.

First and foremost, it is important to note that the optimization process of higher military education is aimed at solving complex and non-standard tasks to form and strengthen a modern and mobile army of Russia, possessing all the capabilities for effective and timely solving the tasks of national inviolability and security.

On the final course of a future officer, proficiency in a foreign language is required as a means of intercultural and international communication in the scientific field. Students should possess skills in independent language work, including the use of information technology. They should be able to deliver prepared and impromptu monological speeches in the form of resumes, messages, and reports. They also need to have skills in preparing scientific publications and presentations at scientific seminars, as well as skills in speaking at scientific-themed conferences.

Students are required to utilize their knowledge of a foreign language in their professional and scientific activities. They must be able to compose abstracts, summaries, write theses and/or articles, deliver presentations, and reviews. They need to actively participate in discussions on scientific issues in a foreign language, justify and defend their points of view, accurately set tasks based on their chosen scientific theme, and select the necessary research methods. They should also be able to apply the chosen methods to solve scientific problems, evaluate the significance of the obtained results, explain educational and scientific materials, and engage in a proper discussion while presenting these materials. A graduate of a military academy must familiarize themselves with professional terminology, methods of influencing the audience, and classical and contemporary methods of problem-solving related to their chosen research theme.

With the aim of "improving the quality of military personnel training, their professional motivation, formation and development of scientific and creative abilities, as well as improving the qualifications of the teaching staff of educational institutions and the development of teaching methods"[1], the International Olympiad of cadets from educational institutions of higher education of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States is held annually based on the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Olympiad includes intellectual competitions in five disciplines, one of which is "Foreign Language".

It should be noted that according to the "Regulations on the International Olympiad of cadets from educational institutions of higher education", the competitive competitions in all disciplines are held in four stages: faculty, university, all-army national, and international.

Our study postulates that the problem of scientific and methodological support of the university stage of the foreign language Olympiad deserves close attention from pedagogical researchers, as it provides an incentive for further research on ensuring the quality of the educational process in competitive competitions in the field of higher military education. Scientific research on this issue should be fully oriented towards the specifics of modern trends as a timely response to changing goals and values of quality military-professional education.

It is important to note that in the complex transitional conditions towards modernized educational standards in higher education, the military academy must develop harmoniously and improve its educational activities and learning process. It is difficult to deny that the humanistic traditions in the trends of development of modern military education have a clear focus on the development of the personality of future specialists in the military field. Therefore, the key principles of ensuring a quality and modern educational process are considered to be the orientation towards the motivation of the individual, the self-development of future officers, goal-setting for progress, and forward-thinking.

These principles stimulate a rapid and comprehensive nature of the system of fundamental training for military specialists, where priorities are placed on knowledge that corresponds to the challenges of modernity, skills that help effectively adapt to new conditions, and leadership, resilience, and teamwork skills. It is these principles that set the course of action in organizing and conducting subject Olympiads in the Russian Federation's higher education institutions. According to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, education should develop in such a way that "talented and worthy people play a significant and leadership role in national development" [2].

Here we would like to refer to the ideas of Mikhail Yuryevich Glavin, a member of the expert council of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who in 1986 in his book "Subject Olympiads. Organization and Tasks" notes that "accumulated facts and data on the Olympiad movement indicate that systematic participation of students in creative activities during the preparation for Olympiads and in the process of solving practical problems positively affects the development of both intellectual abilities and personality. It is important in the early years of education to identify gifted young people, to interest them in comprehensive and in-depth mastery of the subjects being studied" [3]. This statement is still relevant and fully meets the modern requirements for higher military education.

A talented person primarily represents a gifted individual, but practical realization of their talent requires certain conditions that would provide them with motivation, efficient tools, and analytical work, enabling them to learn and develop. Here we are talking not only about a person-centered approach, when General of the Army S.K. Shoigu says, "In the Ministry of Defense and in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, much is being done to ensure that the next generation is better, smarter, and more talented than us and can do more for our country" [4], but also about the creation of a competent step-by-step differentiated education. The Supreme Commander sets a specific goal for the Armed Forces, determining the vector of development for the domestic army - "to correspond to the realities of the time in all parameters and maintain parity with the Armed Forces of potential adversaries" [5].

Such acquaintance with the multitude of talents plays a unique role in professional formation. It is worth emphasizing that the Olympiad movement in Russia, as a specific form of educational organization, is primarily aimed at diverse work with talented youth, preparing individuals who strive for self-development, self-actualization, and awareness of their inner potential and horizons. In the process of solving increasingly complex speech and thinking tasks, the future specialist's personal creativity is developed, which stimulates resourcefulness, self-control, and self-determination, which are integral features of a Russian officer. Competitive Olympiad competitions represent one of the most optimal forms of organizing the educational process and developing a talented individual in a military university. In the system of higher military education, the Olympiad movement promotes situational adaptability of the student in a specific practice-oriented problem situation, determines the internal reserves of the individual, which allows for a competent assessment of their strengths and weaknesses in a specific field, complements and enriches the basic theoretical training, creates qualitatively new conditions for applying acquired skills and knowledge, and also has an educational effect within the framework of work in an Olympiad team - a professional community with common goals and interests.

Based on the aforementioned, we conclude that a quality educational process in a higher military school is inevitably linked to quality scientific and methodological support of all disciplines, where foreign language education occupies a special place as it reflects the advanced trends in the modern international military-political arena. And the foreign language Olympiad movement, as an element of interdisciplinary integration, not only stimulates the process of self-actualization of the future officer but also accumulates and reflects the entire target vector of development of the modern Russian Army.

Список литературы

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