УДК 7.092

The importance of quality scientific and methodological support for subject Olympiads in higher education

Семыкина Вероника Олеговна – кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры Иностранных языков Военного учебно-научного центра Военно-воздушных сил Военно-воздушная академия имени профессора Н. Е. Жуковского и Ю. А. Гагарина.

Романчук Марина Геннадьевна – преподаватель Воронежского государственного технического университета.

Abstract: This article is dedicated to discussing the key issues of scientific and methodological support for olympiads in higher military education. The authors emphasize that the modernization and qualitative reform of the higher military education system, aimed at qualitatively new, effective, and perspective development of Russian society and the country, envisage appealing to innovative approaches in the educational activities of cadets of military universities. This requires the continuous updating of the scientific and methodological support of the educational process, continuous progress in educational technologies, and the integration of olympic movement in higher military education. The current situation in the system of modern military education is determined by the characteristic prerequisites for a fundamental increase in the level of cadet education.

Аннотация: Статья посвящена рассмотрению ключевой проблематики научно-методического обеспечения олимпиад в высшей военной школе. Авторы подчеркивают, что модернизация и качественное реформирование системы высшего военного образования с целью квалитативно нового, эффективного, перспективного развития российского общества и страны предусматривают апеллирование к инновационным подходам учебной деятельности курсантов военных вузов, требуют постоянного обновления научно-методического обеспечения учебного процесса, континуального прогресса образовательных технологий и интегрального олимпиадного движения в высшей военной школе. Сложившаяся обстановка в системе современного военного образования обуславливается характерными предпосылками принципиального повышения уровня обучения курсантов.

Keywords: olympiad, science, methodology, military university, education, support, pedagogy, proficiency.

Ключевые слова: олимпиада, наука, методика, военный вуз, образование, обеспечение, педагогика, мастерство.

The process of modernizing higher military professional education is oriented towards the implementation of innovative educational initiatives that foster a dynamic organizational framework, ensuring both continuity and multidimensionality. This strategic direction inherently establishes a trajectory for intensifying the systematic structuring of curricula across diverse facets of its scientific and methodological underpinnings.

The Defense Minister of the Russian Federation, General Army S.K. Shoigu, underscores that the enhancement of the military education system necessitates particular attention, as he asserts, "The reform of the Armed Forces is inconceivable without the establishment of a robust military education system of exceptional quality. Consequently, a reassessment of the fundamental criteria underpinning the training of military personnel becomes imperative" [1].

Recent developments in the field of higher military education underscore the contemporary imperatives of scientific and methodological advancements, particularly concerning innovative approaches to pedagogical design. These advancements manifest through expounding upon the foundations of scientific and methodological support, encompassing the thoughtful and deliberate design of its structural foundations, interconnected components, inherent significance, and pivotal pedagogical principles.

It is interesting to note that scientists tend to interpret the essence of scientific and methodological support differently. In our research, the most interesting interpretation is the understanding of scientific and methodological support as an integral interconnected and interdependent system of scientific and methodological work and activities. Undoubtedly, for the creation of such a systematic scientific and methodological support, it is important not only to clarify the concepts and functional components that form its structure, but also to determine the practical requirements and conditions for its development as a whole.

In this case, it is most logical at the beginning of our analysis to consider scientific and methodological support as a general scientific concept. To examine and study the concept of scientific and methodological support and formulate its definition in relation to military education, we have reviewed a number of scientific works.

Based on a solid foundation of extensive pedagogical practice, creating an optimal scientific and methodological support for the education of participants in higher education is a complex and laborious process, a complex and multifaceted task. For its successful and effective solution, teachers in higher education need more than just competence in the field of the taught discipline and pedagogical skills in the technology of unlocking the internal potential of the learner's personality and developing their knowledge and competences. It is also necessary to have a precise understanding of the system of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline, its composition, well-balanced structure and content, various requirements for its development, technologies, and methodologies for creating such a complex.

Moreover, in the context of higher military education, it is necessary to consider the peculiarities of organizing the educational process specifically in military colleges, which significantly differ in their structure from civilian universities.

That is why it is necessary to clarify that the military education system is a combination of interacting elements: state educational standards for professional education, qualification requirements for graduates of military universities in various specialties, continuity of educational programs of different levels and orientations, a network of military educational institutions implementing them, bodies responsible for managing military education, and scientific and methodological associations and councils.

The educational process in a higher military school is organized and conducted in accordance with the requirements of the state's military policy, as well as orders and directives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Its organizational and substantive framework consists of the state's military doctrine, military science, military regulations, instructions, programs for combat and socio-state training, state educational standards, and qualification requirements for the training of military specialists. Therefore, when developing a modern strategy for the development of scientific and methodological support for the educational process in a military university, it is necessary to take into account that military educational institutions differ from educational institutions of other ministries and agencies in their goals, the content of education, and the peculiarities of the activities of cadets and graduates.

Based on research in the field of military education (A.I. Bogomolov [2], V.N. Novikov [3], V.M. Kulikov [4]), it is important to clarify the key features of the educational process in a military university:

  1. Education represents a complex of scientific, service, and educational activities - cadets of a military university are obliged to perform service in squads and guard duty, strictly adhere to military rituals, maintain proper relationships between themselves, the senior officer corps, and the civilian faculty, and follow the disciplinary practice of restricting free "leisure" time.
  2. Mastery of a military specialization for cadets who have taken an oath to their homeland is a strict duty.
  3. In the educational process, both individual and collective forms of learning are simultaneously utilized according to a strict daily schedule, which includes mandatory independent work for cadets. Independent work is an integral part of their educational responsibilities, aimed at consolidating and deepening acquired knowledge and skills, as well as seeking and acquiring new knowledge. During independent work, cadets prepare for upcoming classes, tests, and exams, review and reinforce previously covered material, complete individual assignments, and engage in research work.
  4. The training process at a military university involves multi-level preparation of future officers, which encompasses specialized training, preparation for future command, and the development of highly educated and culturally cultivated individuals capable of soberly and wisely solving various problems both in the military-professional sphere and everyday life.
  5. The supervision of the educational process is always carried out by military personnel, civilian educators, and commanders. However, this presents a challenge as military personnel and commanders typically do not have specific pedagogical training, while the civilian faculty lacks specialized military education. This aspect requires cadets to develop the ability to adapt quickly and establish a clear internal strategy for self-improvement.
  6. Training in a military academy is carried out within the framework of regulations, with detailed and strict adherence to the requirements of guiding documents that establish a fundamentally different approach to the content and organization of scientific and methodological support. This is because the key objective of education in a military academy is always the military-professional preparation of service members to perform their duties qualitatively and solve the assigned tasks.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that when developing the "project" of scientific and methodological support for each component of the educational process in a military academy, the following tasks need to be addressed: first and foremost, it is necessary to design educational complexes for the formation of military-professional culture without compromising the taught discipline, with appropriate pedagogical foundations and without distorting normative documentation; secondly, it is important to apply effective pedagogical approaches in the design and implementation of scientific and methodological support; thirdly, to meet the increased requirements for specialists in the military-professional field, and therefore, to apply educational complexes in accordance with an effective algorithm of educational activities in a higher military school.

Список литературы

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  5. Карта универсальных компетенций в высших учебных заведениях Российской Федерации https://www.sgu.ru/sites/default/files/education/method/2017/karta_kompetenciy_socialnaya_struktura_socialnye_instituty_i_processy.pdf.
  6. Положение об Олимпиаде среди военных вузов России и СНГ http://inter-olimp.mil.ru/Olimpiada-2019/Polozhenie.
  7. Послание Президента Федеральному собранию от 15.01.2020 http://www.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/62582.
  8. Глявин Ю. В. Как заниматься с талантливой молодежью? // Интеграция гуманитарных, фундаментальных и профессиональных знаний в образовании XXI века: материалы научн.-метод. конф. Ч. Новочеркасск: ЮРГТУ, 2002.

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