"Научный аспект №1-2019" - Гуманитарные науки

Особенности преподавания неродного языка

Абдукаримова Замира Боругуловна – старший преподаватель кафедры Иностранных языков Гуманитарного факультета Кыргызского национального университета им. Ж.Баласагына.

Койчуманова Нургуль Мааметовна – доктор филологических наук, профессор, проректор по учебной работе Института экономики и финансов.

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются особенности преподавания неродного (иностранного) языка на нефилологических факультетах.

Ключевые слова: Многоязычное образование, дифференцированный подход, речевая деятельность, коммуникация.

Features of a non-native (foreign) language teaching

Abdukarimova Zamira Borugulovna – Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages Humanities Faculties, Kyrgyz National University named after J.Balasagyn, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.

Koichumanova Nurgul Maametovna – Doctor of Philology Science, Professor, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Institute of Economics and Finance, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.

Abstract: This article is considered the features of a non-native (foreign) language teaching in non-philological faculties.

Keywords: Multilingual education, differentiated approach, speech activity, communication.

Currently is being re-evaluated the existing social practice changes the system requirements to a specialist, and the education system as a whole. A modern specialist should be able not only to reproduce the already existing knowledge, but also to creative activity, to non-standard thinking. Therefore, the educational process in higher education should provide students with the discovery and development of creative potential.[1]

Let’s push from the truths: the study of language begins in the family, and then continues in the environment. Since communication with parents is reduced to several everyday phrases in the evening and on weekends, to a greater degree the environment - in the yard, kindergarten, school, circle ... - influences which language becomes the main thing for a person. Plus, the flow of information from newspapers, magazines, television, radio ... Language is not learned from textbooks with the rules of grammar, but in practice. Many centuries ago, humanity developed verbal communication because of the need to survive. So today everyone is forced to interact and speak the same language with others. But over the centuries, people have come up with another function for the language - the symbol. For example, a symbol of national identity, statehood, sovereignty.

The purpose of practical training in any language: Kyrgyz, Russian, foreign, regardless of the specificity of the university - teaching and improving the students' speech, both oral and written, in various areas of communication: conversational, social, political, scientific and, mainly, in educational.

Note the following language learning problems:

  1. the definition of learning objectives;
  2. the definition of the content of training;
  3. the development of methods of communication knowledge.

Language proficiency is such an extensive and so complex concept that it is first necessary to determine the possible degrees of language proficiency.

The first methodological problem is the ability to set a specific learning goal. In order to solve it, you need:

1. Properly consider the factors affecting the possibility of the goal achieving. What are these factors?

a) a grid of hours, i.e. how much time is devoted to learning a language, for example, a foreign one. On the basis of the State Educational Standard of the Kyrgyz Republic, a foreign language is allocated [3].

b) Distribution, i.e. intensive distribution of dedicated hours. For example, if we teach one or two academic hours regardless of the course, then this is certainly ineffective. There is one pattern that should not be forgotten - at the initial stage, when the development of pronunciation skills and acquaintance (in-depth) with the language, the training should be intensive. In fact, it turns out, how to start with one or two classes a week, and continue, and on subsequent courses do not continue. It turns out that everything that was studied is safely forgotten.

c) General cultural level and preparation of students. Taking into account, it is necessary to fix grammatical material on authentic texts in the classroom: texts from periodicals, texts relating to the profile of the university.

I would like to stop in one of the last problems of the education system: a differentiated approach to students. After all, it often turns out that in the same group students are engaged with different levels of training. They also differ in their instincts, types of memory, perception of the environment.

In practice it has accumulated rich experience in the differentiated approach to students with insufficient preparation. And, unfortunately, the opportunities of students with a higher level of knowledge of the language are little used.

Analyzing the rich experience of the teachers-practitioners, we can distinguish three areas of work.

First, in order to keep students in working form, not to reduce their business activity, it is desirable to increase the amount of work, taking into account their potential. Such an approach, in our opinion, is the least rational, since it does not contribute to the development of cognitive abilities, but performs only one function - it ensures the employment of students.

Second, you can increase the amount of work is not due to the number of written words, phrases or sentences, but at the expense of additional tasks that are performed on the same didactic materials. This approach is most effective, as it provides employment for not only the employment of students, but also promotes a stronger skill, systematic repetition. Additional tasks have the most diverse character: to make a crossword puzzle, to make a cluster, etc.

It should be noted that the exercises with complex tasks, which are based on logical connections between the studied phenomena, contribute to the formation of system values for students.

Thirdly, it is possible to include tasks of increased difficulty, where a high intellectual level is required, the ability to freely operate with knowledge, to use them in new situations. This is the most productive area of work, so we will focus on it. What forms and methods of work will help to implement it?

  1. Independent selection by students of didactic material, similar text (for example, technology: literary circles).
  2. Tasks that orient students to establish interdisciplinary connections.
  3. Tasks of research nature (for example, the method of problem-search conversation). In the process of such work, the interest in the subject increases, the skills of independent work are formed.

The purpose of the above tasks is to expand the horizons of students, the formation of the skill to transfer the knowledge gained to their classmates, to use this knowledge in practice.


  1. The concept of multicultural and multilingual education in the Kyrgyz Republic. -B. -2009. – 114 p.
  2. The concept of development of education in the Kyrgyz Republic until 2020. Strategy of education development in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2012-2020. –B. – p. 2012. – 120 p.
  3. SES HPE direction "Economics" (bachelor) III generation. -B. - 2015. – 25 p.
  4. Passov E.I. Communicative method of teaching foreign language speaking. - M ., 1991. – 223 p.